Tools → Schema Manager → Load Jobs

About the Load Jobs list view

The Load Jobs tab is available on the Schema Manager to help schema managers to monitor, search, view, and manage load jobs of schemas and load plans, whether running or recent load jobs. It also allows them to spot issues with these load jobs.

The Load Jobs tab displays only one record per schema or load plan. It lists load jobs, whether manually started for a specific physical schema or automatically started via scheduled load plans with one or more physical schemas.


You can organize schemas in a load plan into separate groups. The Loader Service simultaneously loads all schemas in the first group, then starts loading the next group, and so on. The Loader Service executes each group as a separate load job.

Load Jobs access rights

A Super User or a user that belongs to a group with the SuperRole or Schema Manager role can access the Load Jobs tab. However, the load jobs that a user can view on this page may vary depending on the access rights each user has on the different physical schemas. For details, see List view.

To access the Load Jobs tab, in the navigation bar, select Schema, and then select the Load Jobs tab.

Load Jobs anatomy

The Load Job page consists of the following:

  • Search bar
  • List view

The Search bar shows

  • A search text box to find schemas or load plans on this page
  • The number of items in the result list
  • The synchronization time of recent jobs and their statuses, whether this synchronization is automatic (when you access the page) or manual (when you select to refresh the list)
  • Refresh (circular arrow icon): Refreshes and synchronizes the recent jobs and their statuses

List view

The list view displays only one record per schema or load plan that has a current or previous load job. To view the load job details and history, select the related record. When searching the load jobs by schema or load plan name, the list view shows the results for the given search term. The list view shows 50 load jobs at a time. For lists with more than 50 jobs, the view contains page controls to navigate forward or backward as well as to the first page or to the last page of jobs.

  • When you delete a physical schema, the following applies:
    • Manually started jobs will be deleted and won't appear on the list.
    • Load jobs of single-schema load plans with this schema won't be deleted and will continue to appear on this list.
    • Load jobs of multi-schema load plans with this schema won't be deleted, and the schema name will continue to appear on this list as part of the load plan till the load plan is executed after deleting the schema.

Load jobs to display on this page may vary depending on your access rights on the different physical schemas.

  • You can view the load jobs of all physical schemas that you own or have access rights to, whether View, Share, or Edit.
  • You can view the execution of load plans that include at least one of the physical schemas that you own or have access rights to, whether View, Share, or Edit. However, the load plan won’t appear on the list if the latest execution does not include the load group with the schema that you have access to, for example, when aborting a load plan execution before the related load group starts.

When the Cluster Management Console (CMC) admin turns the Enable Super User Mode option on, the Super User and users with the SuperRole can view and manage all load jobs regardless of the access rights.

Known Issue

The load plan won’t appear on the Load Jobs list if the latest execution does not include the load group with the schema that the login user has access to, for example,

  • When aborting a load plan execution before the related load group starts.
  • When restarting the execution from a group that follows the related load group.

The following table shows the details that appear per load job.

StartedThe job start time.
StatusThe status of the load job. You can filter the job list by status. When you hover over the job status, the elapsed time per phase appears. In the case of multi-group load plans the elapsed time per phase won't appear.
Load PlanThe name of the load plan if the job is executed based on a scheduled plan. If the load job is manually executed, it will be empty.
SchemasThe schemas in the load job.
  ●  If more than two schemas exist in the load plan, the names are collapsed and the number of collapsed schemas appears instead. Select the expand button to display all schemas in the load plan.
  ●  In the case of multi-group load plans, this column shows the number of schemas and groups. Select the expand button to view each group and the included schemas.
  ●  If a multi-group load plan job is Interrupted or you stop a running load job, load groups that have not started will not appear on this list or on the Load Job Details Viewer.
DurationThe duration of finished load jobs or the elapsed time of running load jobs.
EndedThe job end time. For running and in-queue load jobs, it will be empty.
Executed ByThe name of the person who initiated the job. It is empty for scheduled jobs.
ActionsYou can stop a running load job if you own or have Edit access rights to all schemas in the job.

What you can do by using this tab

Search, filter, and sync the load job list

  • To search for a load job by the schema or load plan name, in the search box, enter the name or part of it.
    • The search bar shows the number of jobs that match the search term.
    • To reset the list, select the remove (x) icon in the search box.
  • To filter the job list by status, select the filter (funnel) icon in the Status column header, select the statuses you want to filter, and then select OK.
    • The search bar shows the number of jobs that match the selected statuses.
    • To remove the filter, select the filter (funnel) icon in the Status column header, select Reset, and then select OK.
  • To synchronize the load jobs and their statuses, select the refresh (circular arrow icon) icon in the search bar.

Sort the load job list

By default, the list is sorted in descending order according to the start time. You can use the following columns to sort the load job list in an ascending or descending order:

  • Started
  • Load Plan
  • Duration
  • Ended
  • Executed By

To sort the job list using a different column:

  1. Select the header of one of the sortable columns to sort the list in ascending order by this column.
  2. Select the same header again to sort the list in descending order by this column.

View the job details

  • To view the details of a load job, select its record. The Load Job Details Viewer page opens showing the details of the selected job and the related job history.

Stop a running load job

You can stop a single schema load job if you own or have Edit access rights to this physical schema. You can also stop a multi-schema load plan job only if you own or have Edit access rights to all physical schemas in this plan.

  1. To stop a running load job, in the respective record, select Stop.
  2. In the warning message, select Stop.
Stop running multi-schema load plan jobs

If the load plan has multiple load groups:

  • The job status of the load plan will be Interrupted.
  • The job status of the group that is running when you stop the job will be Interrupted.
  • Finished groups in the load plan will not be impacted by stopping the running job and will have their own status.
  • Groups that have not started yet will not appear on the Load Job Details Viewer when you check the details of the respective load plan or on the load plan schemas list.