Tools → Content Manager

About the Content Manager

The Content Manager allows a tenant user with the necessary access permissions to manage dashboards and favorites, and organize dashboards into folders.


Starting 2024.1.0, Incorta added a new Notebooks section, where users can create and use Notebook within the Content Manager. Before 2024.7.x, users with the Analyze User role could create and use business Notebooks. However, starting 2024.7.x, those users must be assigned the Advanced Analyzer User role to have access to their business Notebooks.

Content Manager Access Permissions

All users can access the Content Manager. The Content Manager contains the folders and dashboards that you own, or that have been shared with you.

To access the Content Manager for a given tenant, in the Navigation bar, select Content.

Content Manager Anatomy

The Content Manager consists of the following:

  • Action bar
  • Search bar
  • Content view

Action bar

Select + New in the Action bar to open the Add New menu. The Add New menu options are:

  • Add Folder
  • Add Dashboard
  • Import Folder/Dashboard
  • Connect other Visualization Tools

The + New button is only visible to users with a role of Advanced Analyzer User, Analyze User, Individual Analyzer or SuperRole.

The Search bar contains a search text box. Search for any part of a given search term. The search returns a result list of zero or more objects. Dashboards are listed first, followed by folders, both in alphabetical order.

You can scroll through the list to find your desired dashboard or folder. To the right of each dashboard or folder, you can hover over the user icon to view the owner of the object. Select a dashboard or folder to open it.

When in a folder or sub-folder, the Search bar will remain to allow for continued searches. Regardless of the folder the search is conducted in, the results will include dashboards and folders you own or have view, share, or edit access to for the entire tenant.

Content view

The Content view contains three sections: Favorites, Folders, and Dashboards. By default, the Content view only shows items where the given user has at least view access rights to the items.


In releases before 2024.1.0, shared folders and dashboards might appear more than once in different places; for example, they would appear on the Content Manager root directory in addition to the parent folders after moving them from their original location to other locations or after changing the sharing options of the parent folders.

Starting 2024.1.x, the Content Manager root directory will no longer display shared folders and dashboards that you have access to their parent folders. Only the following will be listed in the root directory:

  • Folders, dashboards, and notebooks that you own, and the parent folder is the root directory
  • Shared folders and dashboards whose parent folder is the root directory
  • Shared folders and dashboards whose parent folder is not the root directory, and you do not have access to this parent folder

You can view content as cards or as a list.

Content Card view

In Card view, each dashboard or folder will appear as a box in the Favorites, Folders, or Dashboards section, as appropriate. Each box includes the object name, and the last modified date for dashboards only. In the case of shared objects, an icon appears in the upper right corner of the box with the first initial of the user creator name. Hover over the icon to show the user creator display name and your access rights to the object.

Hover over a folder to display a summary of the contents of the folder, which includes how many dashboards and subfolders there are in the folder. Hover over a dashboard to display the description of the dashboard, if available.

The default sort in each section is ascending by Name. For Favorites and Dashboards with more than two objects, you can change the sort. In the upper right corner of the section, change the arrow to point down to sort descending, and up to sort ascending. You can also select the property to sort by from the drop down list: Name, Last Modified, and Owner.

Content List view

In List view, each dashboard or folder will appear as part of a list in the Favorites, Folders, or Dashboards section, as appropriate. The Content list view shows the following properties:

NameThe name of the dashboard or folder
DescriptionFor dashboards only, a description of the dashboard
ContentsFor folders only, the number of dashboards and subfolders in the folder
OwnerThe display name of the user creator
Last ModifiedThe date and time the dashboard or folder was last modified

The default sort in each section is ascending by Name. To change the sort for Favorites and Dashboards, select the Name, Owner, or Last Modified column heading, and change the arrow to point down to sort descending, and up to sort ascending.

Content Manager Actions

Using the Content Manager, you can perform the following actions:

Add a folder

Here are the steps to add a new folder:

  • In the Navigation bar, select Content.
  • In the Action bar, select + NewAdd Folder.
  • In the Add Folder dialog:
    • Enter a folder name between 1 and 255 characters.
    • Select Add. A new, empty folder will appear, represented by a non-filled folder icon.

Add a dashboard

Here are the steps to add a new dashboard:

  • In the Navigation bar, select Content.
  • In the Action bar, select + NewAdd Dashboard.
  • In the Add Dashboard dialog:
    • Enter a dashboard name between 1 and 255 characters.
    • Optionally enter a dashboard description.
    • Select Add. The Analyzer will open.
  • In the Analyzer, select + Add Insight.
  • After you create a new insight, select Save.

Open a dashboard or folder

Here are the steps to open a dashboard or folder:

  • In the Navigation bar, select Content.
  • There are two ways to open a dashboard or folder. in the Content view:
    • Option 1: Select the name of the dashboard or folder.
    • Option 2: Select the dashboard More Options (⋮ vertical ellipsis icon) → Open.

Change between Card and List view

Here are the steps to change the view on the Content Manager from the default Card view to the List view and vice versa:

  • In the Navigation bar, select Content.
  • To change to list view, select List (bullets and lines icon) in the Search bar.
  • To change back to card view, select Card (four squares icon).

Search for a dashboard or folder

Here are the steps to search for folders and dashboards within your tenant:

  • In the Navigation bar, select Content.
  • In the Search bar, enter a search term.
  • Review the list of dashboards and folders.

Add a dashboard favorite

Here are the steps to add a dashboard that is important to you as a favorite:

  • In the Navigation bar, select Content.
  • There are two ways to add a dashboard favorite. In the Content view, in the Dashboards section:
    • Option 1: Hover over Favorite (pie icon) to the left of the dashboard name. When the pie icon changes to a star, select it. The dashboard will be added to the Favorites section in the Content view. The dashboard will appear in both the Favorites and Dashboards sections (on the Content home page or in a folder, depending on the location of the dashboard) with a yellow-filled star icon to the left of the dashboard name.
    • Option 2: Select the dashboard More Options (⋮ vertical ellipsis icon) → Add to Favorites.

Remove a dashboard favorite

Here are the steps to remove a dashboard favorite:

  • In the Navigation bar, select Content.
  • There are two ways to remove a dashboard favorite. In either the Favorites or Dashboards sections (on the Content home page or in a folder, depending on the location of the dashboard):
    • Option 1: Select the yellow filled star icon to the left of the dashboard name. The dashboard will be removed from the Favorites section.
    • Option 2: Select More Options (⋮ vertical ellipsis icon) → Remove from Favorites.

Play your dashboard favorites

Here are the steps to view a playlist presentation of the dashboards you have added to favorites:

  • In the Navigation bar, select Content.
  • Select Play your favorite dashboards (presentation icon). An active playlist of your favorite dashboard will launch in full screen, with each dashboard displayed for a predetermined amount of time. The active playlist will show a Playlist bar that contains:
    • The name of the current dashboard
    • The display progress of the current dashboard
    • The number of the current dashboard in the playlist
    • The total number of dashboards in the playlist
    • The name of the next dashboard in the playlist
    • The playlist settings (gear icon) to configure the playlist
  • Select Escape (esc) to exit the active playlist.

An active playlist will ignore the Open in Maximized View setting for a dashboard and will display all of the insights on the dashboard.

Configure the playlist

Here are the properties that you can configure for all of the dashboards in the playlist when you select settings (gear icon) in the Playlist bar:

Reorder, hide, or showlistChange the order in which the dashboards appear in the active playlist by using the up and down arrows to the right of the dashboard name.

Change the order in which the dashboards appear in the active playlist by using the up and down arrows to the right of the dashboard name.

Select the eye icon to the right of the dashboard name to hide it. The dashboard name and icons change to a grey color, with a diagonal line through the eye. You will not be able to play the dashboard playlist if you hide all of the dashboards. Select the eye icon again to show the dashboard.
SpeedbuttonSelect the dashboard display time. The options are:
  • Slow
  • Medium (default)
  • Fast
ThemebuttonIf enabled for the tenant, select the dashboard theme. The options are:
  • Light (default)
  • Dark
View ModebuttonSelect the dashboard view mode. The options are:
  • Original (default)
  • Personalized

The settings for an active playlist will revert to the defaults when the playlist is closed, and cannot be saved.

Share a dashboard or folder

Here are the steps to share a dashboard or folder:

  • In the Navigation bar, select Content.
  • For the dashboard or folder you would like to share, select More Options (⋮ vertical ellipsis icon) → Share Access.
  • In the Share dialog, in the With: field, enter the name of the user, email address, or group you would like to share the dashboard with, and select it from the results.
  • Select the eye icon to the right of the With: field to set the access level as Can View, Can Share, or Can Edit. The default value is Can View.
  • Select Share.
  • Select Close.

View the dashboard lineage

Starting with 2023.7.0, you can view the data lineage of the whole dashboard, as well as each insight. The Data Lineage Viewer v2 displays the entities (tables, views, and variables) that the dashboard references, whether entities that the dashboard insights reference or that the dashboard itself references in its filters and prompts.

Here are the steps to view the dashboard data lineage:

  • In the Navigation bar, select Content.
  • For the dashboard you want, select More Options (⋮ vertical ellipsis icon).
  • Select Open Lineage. The Data Lineage Viewer v2 opens displaying the dashboard data lineage diagram.

Move a dashboard

Here are the steps to move a dashboard:

  • In the Navigation bar, select Content.
  • For the dashboard you would like to move, select More Options (⋮ vertical ellipsis icon) → Move to…
  • In the folder tree, navigate to the folder to move the dashboard to and select it. You can filter the tree results by entering a search string in the Search text box. To optionally add a New Folder to add the dashboard to, select the New Folder button, enter a folder name, and select Add.
  • Select Move.

Copy a dashboard

Here are the steps to copy a dashboard:

  • In the Navigation bar, select Content.
  • For the dashboard you would like to move, select More Options (⋮ vertical ellipsis icon) → Make a Copy.
  • Optionally enter a New Name for the dashboard copy. The default is the name of the original dashboard with Copy appended to the end.
  • In the folder tree, navigate to the folder to move the dashboard copy to. You can filter the tree results by entering a search string in the Search text box. To optionally add a New Folder to copy the dashboard to, select the New Folder button, enter a folder name, and select Add.
  • Select Copy, or select Copy & Open if you would like to open the dashboard copy.

Rename a dashboard or folder

Here are the steps to rename a dashboard or folder:

  • In the Navigation bar, select Content.
  • For the dashboard or folder you would like to rename, select More Options (⋮ vertical ellipsis icon) → Rename.
  • In the Rename dialog, enter the dashboard or folder New Name.
  • Select Rename.

Import a dashboard or folder

Here are the steps to import a dashboard or folder:

  • In the Navigation bar, select Content.
  • In the Action bar, select + NewImport Folder/Dashboard.
  • In the Import Folder/Dashboard dialog, select the File Upload panel, the source ZIP file from your computer and Open, or drag and drop the source ZIP file to the File Upload panel. Select the Overwrite existing dashboard checkbox if you are importing a dashboard with the same name as an existing dashboard.
  • An Imported message will appear if the import was successful.

Export a dashboard or folder

Here are the steps to export a dashboard or folder:

  • In the Navigation bar, select Content.
  • For the dashboard or folder you would like to rename, select More Options (⋮ vertical ellipsis icon) → Export.
  • Optionally select the Include Bookmarks and Include Scheduled Jobs checkboxes to include this information in the XML.
  • Select Export.

Starting 2024.1.3, if you apply any of the following actions before exporting the dashboard into a PDF or HTML format, the exported dashboard will reflect the changes.

  • Sorting
  • Dynamic Group By (in tables)
  • Dynamic Measures (in tables)
  • Dynamic Fields (used in measures)

When scheduling dashboard delivery, under the Choose Bookmark option, you can select existing bookmarks or “Current Dashboard State”.

Delete a dashboard or folder

Here are the steps to delete a dashboard or folder:

  • In the Navigation bar, select Content.
  • For the dashboard or folder you would like to delete, select More Options (⋮ vertical ellipsis icon) → Delete.
  • Select Delete.

The delete option for a folder is visible only if you own the contents of the folder.

Connect to other visualization tools

Here are the steps to view the instructions for connecting to other visualization tools:

  • In the Navigation bar, select Content.
  • In the Action bar, select + NewConnect other Visualization Tools.
  • Select the visualization tool you would like to view connection instructions for.
  • Select X to close the connection instructions.

To view the visualization tool connection instructions, you must enable the option in the CMC. Refer to Integrations for more information.

Notebooks for Business Users

Starting 2024.1.0, Incorta introduced the Notebook for business users with Analyze Users user role. Users can use the Notebook within the Content Manager to run queries and explore their results in Cloud clusters. To enable it on a cloud cluster, you need to contact Incorta Support. Knowing that enabling Notebook for Business Users will automatically enable the Advanced SQL Interface and hence Null Handling

Starting 2024.7.x, Notebook for Business Users has become available to On-Premises users. For details about how to enable and configure it, refer to References → Notebook for Business Users.

Additionally, the Analyze Users role is no longer sufficient to access and use Notebook for Business Users. Users must be granted the Advanced Analyzer User role have access to business Notebooks.

  • Currently, the Notebook for Business Users is a preview feature.
  • The Notebook for Business Users only supports verified Views.

The following languages are supported:

  • Spark SQL
  • PySpark
  • Scala
  • SparkR

Notebook for Analyze users actions

Create Notebooks using the Content Manager

  • For releases before 2024.7.x, generate a personal access token (PAT).
  • Open the Content Manager tab, select + NewAdd Notebook.
  • For releases before 2024.7.x, run the command: set_pat(“<PAT>”), replacing <PAT> with your generated PAT.
  • Start using the Notebook.
  • Select Save.

Export Notebooks

  • Open the Content Manager tab.
  • On the Notebook card, select More Options (⋮ vertical ellipses icon).
  • Select Export.
  • Incorta downloads a .zip file.

Import Notebooks

  • Open the Content Manager tab.
  • Select + NewImport Notebook.
  • Drag and drop the .zip file that has your Notebook code.

Tips and Tricks

  • You can use the More Options (⋮ vertical ellipses icon) beside a table name to create a Notebook statement.
  • You can drag and drop a table or a column name into a Notebook paragraph.
  • If you have the Incorta Copilot enabled, you can type in natural language commands to have the copilot write the queries for you.

Known limitations

  • You cannot create or import Notebooks in folders.
  • Sharing Notebooks is currently not available.
  • Only 10 concurrent connections are allowed per cluster to create Notebooks simultaneously. Knowing that if a user has two open tabs for Notebook, it is considered two different sessions.