Tools → Business Schema Manager

About the Business Schema Manager

The Business Schema Manager allows a tenant user with the necessary access rights to search for, create, and manage one or more business schemas. A business schema represents a runtime, logical schema of one or more entity objects.

To learn more about how to design a business schema, review Tools → Business Schema Designer.


You can now add, edit, and delete business schemas when the Loader Service isn’t available or running.

Business Schema Manager access rights

A user that belongs to a group with the Schema Manager or the SuperRole role can access the Business Schema Manager. Available options vary according to the assigned access rights and tenant configurations.

Users with only the Advanced Analyzer User, Analyze User, or Individual Analyzer roles will have limited access to the Business Schema Manager where they can view a list of business schemas shared with them without the need to be assigned the Schema Manager role. They can only open a shared business schema in the Business Schema Designer view mode, export it, and view its description and sharing configurations.

To access the Business Schema Manager for a given tenant, in the Navigation bar, select Business Schema.

  • Only the Super User tenant administrator or a user with the Schema Manager or SuperRole roles can create business schemas.
  • By default, a user can edit, copy, or delete business schemas that the user owns or has Edit access rights to.
  • A user with the SuperRole role or the Super User can edit, copy, or delete any business schema regardless of the assigned access rights if the Enable Super User Mode option is enabled in the Cluster Management Console (CMC) → Tenant Configurations → Security.
  • A user with only the Advanced Analyzer User, Analyze User, or Individual Analyzer roles cannot create, edit, copy, or delete a business schema even if the user is assigned Edit access rights to the business schema.
  • Only the Super User tenant administrator can view the list of all items on the Business Schema Manager regardless of the access rights to them and the Enable Super User mode option.

Business Schema Manager anatomy

The Business Schema Manager consists of the following:

  • Search bar
  • Action bar
  • List view

The Search bar contains a search text box. Search for an exact match of the business schemas' name using a given search term.

The Search bar shows:

  • The number of business schemas on the list whether the total number you have access to or the number of business schemas that match the search term.
  • The number of selected items in the result list with the option (x) to deselect the items
  • With selected items in the List view, the More Options (⋮ vertical ellipsis) appears. The available options are:
    • Export: use to export the selected business schemas to a .zip file
    • Delete: use to delete all selected business schemas

Starting with 2024.1.0 on Cloud installations, you can semantically search for columns across all business schemas on the business schema list when Incorta Copilot is enabled and configured.

Action bar

The Action bar contains the following:

  • + New: Opens the Add New menu. The Add New menu options are:
    • Create Business Schema
    • Import Business Schema
  • Show/Hide Columns: Opens the column list to decide on columns to show or hide.

List view

The List view shows all results for a given search term and search context. By default, the list view only shows items where the given user has at least view access rights to the items.


Only the Super User tenant administrator can view all items, regardless of the access rights to the objects.

The List view shows up to 40 items at a time. For lists with more than this number of items, the List view contains page controls. The page controls allow the user to navigate pages forwards or backwards as well as to the first page or to the last page of items. Selecting the checkbox in the header row selects all items on the current page only.

By default, the Business Schema items appear in alphabetical, ascending order. To sort the items by the column values in either ascending or descending order, select a specific column header except for Description. Select an item to open the business schema in the Business Schema Designer.

Displayed columns and sorting options are preserved during the user session.

The List view shows the following properties:

Select Allcheck boxHeader control to add or remove all list view page items to a group for deletion, export, or email notification creation
Select Itemcheck boxSelect to add or remove an individual item to a group of zero or more items for deletion
NametextThe name of the business schema
DescriptiontextThe description of the business schema
PermissiontextThe access rights for business schema: View, Share, or Edit.
OwnertextThe display name of the user creator
DepartmenttextThe classification of the business schema according to the related department. This column is hidden by default.
Modified bytextThe person name of the user who last modified the business schema
Last Modifieddate/timeThe date and time when the business schema was last modified
More Options → Make a copymenu linkOpens the Make a copy dialog to create a duplicate of the respective business schema
More Options → Edit Informationmenu linkOpens the Edit Information dialog. You can use this dialog to specify the department and description of the business schema.
More Options → Sharemenu linkOpens the Share dialog
More Options → Exportmenu linkExports the business schema to a .zip file
More Options → Deletemenu linkOpens the confirmation dialog for the business schema deletion

Business Schema Manager actions for business schemas

With the Business Schema Manager, you can perform the following actions for business schemas:

Business Schema Manager access rights matrix

The following table shows the required access rights for each item in the Business Schema Manager:

Action/Access RightsOwn/EditShareView
Business Schema → View as list
Business Schema → Search for
Business Schema → Open in Business Schema Designer
Business Schema → Edit in Business Schema Designer
Business Schema → Make a copy
Business Schema → View Information
Business Schema → Edit Information
Business Schema → Export
Business Schema → Share
Business Schema → Delete

Create a business schema

You can create a business schema using the Business Schema Manager. Once created, you can design the business schema using the Business Schema Designer.

Here are the steps to create a business schema using the Business Schema Manager:

  • In the Navigation bar, select Business Schema.
  • In the Action bar, select + NewCreate Business Schema.
  • In the Create Business Schema dialog, specify the following:
  • the Name of the business schema
  • an optional Description for the business schema
  • In the dialog, select Save.

Validation Rules for a business schema name A business schema name…

  • Must be unique.
  • Must be between 1 and 250 characters in length.
  • Must begin with an alpha character, lower or upper case.
  • After the first alpha character, can contain zero or more alphanumeric characters in lower, upper, or mixed case.
  • After the first alpha character, can contain zero or more underscore (_) or Dollar sign ($) characters.
  • Besides underscore (_) and Dollar sign ($), cannot contain special characters, symbols, or spaces.
  • Is not case-sensitive. (starting with 2024.1.x)

To learn more about how to create a business schema view and an Incorta Analyzer View using the Business Schema Designer, refer to Tools → Business Schema Designer

Import a business schema

You can import one or more business schemas that exist in the same .zip file.

  • In the Navigation bar, select Business Schema.
  • In the Action bar, select + NewImport Business Schema.
  • In the Import Business Schema dialog, optionally select the Overwrite existing business schema check box to overwrite any existing business schema that shares the same name.
  • Do one of the following:
    • Drag the .zip file that contains the business schema(s) that you want to import to the Import Business Schema dialog.
    • Select Click or drag a file here to upload to select the .zip file, and then select Open.
  • In the Import Results dialog, review the status of the import operation.
  • Select Close.

The following are the details in the Import Results dialog:

NameName of the business schema
TypeThe type of the imported item
StatusThe status of the import operation. It can be one of the following:
  ●  Created
  ●  Overwritten
  ●  Failed
If the import operation fails, the reason is displayed.

View a list of business schemas

  • In the Navigation bar, select Business Schema.
  • Review the list view of business schemas.

Search for a business schema

  • In the Navigation bar, select Business Schema.
  • In the Search bar, enter a search term.
  • Review the list view of business schemas.

To reset the search, in the Search bar, in the search box, select the remove button (x).

View a business schema

  • In the Navigation bar, select Business Schema.
  • In the list view of business schemas, for a given business schema that you own or have access rights to, select any part of the row to open the Business Schema Designer.
  • Depending on your access rights, in the Business Schema Designer, you can perform different actions, such as:
    • view existing folders and views
    • add a new folder
    • add a new view
    • edit an existing business schema view, Incorta Analyzer View, PostgreSQL View (Incorta SQL View) or Spark SQL View (starting 2024.7.x)
    • delete a folder, business schema view, Incorta Analyzer View, PostgreSQL View (Incorta SQL View), or Spark SQL View (starting 2024.7.x)
    • explore the business schema data in the Analyzer

Copy a business schema

  • In the Navigation bar, select Business Schema.
  • In the list view of business schemas, for a given business schema that you own or have Edit access rights to, select More Options (⋮ vertical ellipsis).
  • Select Make a copy.
  • In the Make a copy dialog, update the name and other information of the new business schema as required.
  • Select Save.

Edit business schema information

  • In the Navigation bar, select Business Schema.
  • In the list view of business schemas, for a given business schema that you own or have Edit access rights to, select More Options (⋮ vertical ellipsis).
  • Select Edit Information.
  • In the Edit Information dialog, enter or update the business schema description and department. You can enter a description up to 500 and a department up to 250 alphanumeric characters, including spaces and special characters.
  • Select Save.

Share a business schema

  • In the Navigation bar, select Business Schema.
  • In the list view of business schemas, for a given business schema row, select More Options (⋮ vertical ellipsis).
  • Select Share.
  • In the Share dialog, you can do the following:
    • remove an existing user or group
    • modify the existing access rights for a user or group
    • add a new user or group with the access rights

Export a business schema

  • In the Navigation bar, select Business Schema.
  • In the list view of business schemas, for a given business schema row, select More Options (⋮ vertical ellipsis).
  • Select Export. The exported business schema .zip file is downloaded to your default Downloads folder.

Export one or more business schemas

  • In the Navigation bar, select Business Schema.
  • In the list view of business schemas, for each business schema that you want to export, select the check box.
  • In the Search bar, next to Selected, select More Options (⋮ vertical ellipsis).
  • Select Export. The exported business schema(s) .zip file is downloaded to the Downloads folder.

Delete a business schema

  • In the Navigation bar, select Business Schema.
  • In the list view of business schemas, for a given business schema row, select More Options (⋮ vertical ellipsis).
  • Select Delete.
  • In the dialog, select Delete.

Delete one or more business schemas

  • In the Navigation bar, select Business Schema.
  • In the list view of business schemas, for each business schema that you want to delete, select the check box.
  • In the Search bar, next to Selected, select More Options (⋮ vertical ellipsis).
  • Select Delete.
  • In the dialog, select Delete.