Tools → Business Schema Designer

About the Business Schema Designer

The Business Schema Designer allows you to create, edit, and delete runtime business views. There are three types of runtime business views for a business schema:

The Business Schema Designer allows you to manage all types of views. You need to have the suitable permissions and access rights to access the Business Schema Designer and manage runtime business views.

Business Schema Designer permissions and access rights

A user that belongs to a group with the Schema Manager or the SuperRole role can access the Business Schema Designer. However, the user must own or have Edit access rights to a business schema to be able to use the Business Schema Designer to edit it.

Users with only the Advanced Analyzer User, Analyze User, or Individual Analyzer roles will have limited access to the Business Schema Designer where they can view folders and runtime business views in business schemas shared with them and explore their data without the need to be assigned the Schema Manager role. They can open a shared business schema in Business Schema Designer view mode only.

To access the Business Schema Designer for an existing business schema, you must first open the business schema from the Business Schema Manager:

  • In the Navigation bar, select Business Schema.
  • In the list view, select the business schema.
  • Only the Super User tenant administrator or a user with the Schema Manager or SuperRole roles can create business schemas.
  • By default, a user can edit, copy, or delete business schemas that the user has Edit access rights to.
  • A user with the SuperRole role or the Super User can edit, copy, or delete any business schema regardless of the assigned access rights if the Enable Super User Mode option is enabled in the Cluster Management Console (CMC) → Tenant Configurations → Security.
  • A user with only the Advanced Analyzer User, Analyze User, or Individual Analyzer roles cannot create, edit, copy, or delete a business schema even if the user is assigned Edit access rights to the business schema.
  • Some functions require additional roles, such as the Explore Data function which requires a role that can manage the Catalog (Content Manager).

Business Schema Designer modes

The Business Schema Designer supports two different modes: view mode and edit mode. The Business Schema Designer opens by default in view mode. When you create a new business schema using the Business Schema Manager, the Business Schema Designer automatically opens in edit mode.

View mode

The view mode is the default mode. In the view mode, you can perform the following actions according to the assigned access rights and roles:

  • Search the business schema for a folder, view, or column.
  • Explore the business schema data in the Analyzer.
  • Explore verified business views in Notebook.
  • Select to create a new folder or view, if applicable. This opens the Business Schema Designer in edit mode.
  • View the business schema summary.
  • Expand or collapse a folder or view.
  • View runtime business views in a folder.
  • View columns in a runtime business view.
  • Access the edit mode.
  • Access the Data Lineage Viewer v2 that displays a diagram with the entities referenced in views or columns (upstream lineage) and entities where the respective view or column is referenced (downstream lineage).
  • View, export, and restore the business schema versions.
  • Create a copy of the business schema
  • Delete the business schema.
  • Export the business schema.
  • Edit the business schema information.
  • View and manage the business schema share options.

Edit mode


By default, you can access the Business Schema Designer in edit mode only for Business Schemas that you own or have Edit access rights to. However, a user with only the Advanced Analyzer User, Analyze User, or Individual Analyzer roles cannot access a business schema in edit mode even if the user is assigned Edit access rights to the business schema.

When you create a new business schema, the Business Schema Designer opens in edit mode. When you open an existing business schema, it opens in view mode. To access the edit mode, in the Action bar, select Edit.

In the Business Schema Designer edit mode, you can perform the following actions:

  • Create a new folder or business schema view
  • Create an Incorta Analyzer View
  • Create a PostgreSQL View (Incorta SQL View before 2024.7.x)
  • Create a Spark SQL View (starting 2024.7.x)
  • View the business schema description
  • Save changes and exit the edit mode
  • Cancel changes and exit the edit mode
  • Expand or collapse a folder or view
  • Edit a folder or view
  • Delete a folder or a view
  • Manage runtime business views in a folder
  • Manage columns and formula columns in a runtime business view, as applicable
  • Use the Data panel to add columns or formula columns to a business schema view

If you try to exit the Business Schema Designer edit mode while there are unsaved changes, a warning message appears, allowing you to save these changes. You can save the changes to the current version of the business schema or discard them. Once you save or discard the changes, you are back to view mode.

Business Schema Designer versions

Incorta tracks the version history of business schemas in your tenant. With the proper access rights and permissions, you can restore or export prior business schema versions. Creating or importing a business schema creates the first version of it while the following actions create a new version of the business schema:

  • Adding, editing, or deleting one or more business schema views.
  • Changing the name of one or more business schema views.
  • Importing a business schema that overwrites the existing one.
  • Selecting the Done or Save Changes option (depending on the Incorta release), whether you have made any changes or not.
  • Saving a listing table insight as a business view in an existing business schema.
  • Saving a listing table insight as a business view to a new business schema (creates two versions of the new business schema).
  • Restoring a version.

You can specify a name for each version instead of the version timestamp. You can restore any previous version. When you restore a previous version, you not only restore the objects and their states, but you also restore the description and assigned department defined in this version.

  • The Maximum number of versions per entity setting in the Cluster Management Console (CMC) > Tenant Configurations / Default Tenant Configurations > Incorta Labs specifies how many versions to keep for each business schema. It is the same option that governs the number of versions to keep per dashboard or physical schema.
  • Once you name a version, you cannot save changes to it. Any further changes are added to a new version.
  • Restoring multiple versions within a short time interval won't create a new version each time; however, the definition of the latest restored version is applied.

Business Schema Designer anatomy

The Business Schema Designer consists of the following:

  • Action bar
  • Summary section
  • Canvas
  • Data panel
  • Manage Dataset panel

Action bar

The Action bar shows different options depending on the mode.

The following are the options available in the view mode:

  • Search: enter a search term to search for a runtime business view, folder, or column in the business schema. Select an item from the search list to expand the related runtime business view or folder in the Canvas.
  • Explore Data: select to access the Analyzer or Notebook to explore the business schema data.
  • Edit: select to open the Business Schema Designer in edit mode.
  • More Options (⋮ vertical ellipsis): select to open the more options menu. Available options vary according to your access rights to the business schema.
    • Make a copy: select to create a copy of the current business schema.
    • Edit Information: select to edit the description and department for the current business schema.
    • Export: select to export the current business schema. This is the only option available when you have only view access rights to the business schema.
    • Delete: select to delete the current business schema.
    • Share: select to view and manage the share options of the current business schema. This option, in addition to the Export option, is available when you have only share access rights to the business schema.
    • Version History: select to view and manage the versions of the active business schema.

The following are the options available in the edit mode:

  • +New: select to open the Add New menu. The Add New menu options are:
    • Add New Folder: select to create a new folder in the business schema.
    • Add New View: select to create a business schema view, Incorta Analyzer View, PostgreSQL (Incorta SQL) View, or Spark SQL View (starting 2024.7.x).
  • Done: available when you add or edit a folder or a runtime business view. Select to save the changes you made and exit the Business Schema Designer edit mode. This option is renamed to Save Changes.
  • Cancel: available when you add or edit a folder or a runtime business view. Select to cancel the changes you made and exit the Business Schema Designer edit mode.

Summary section

The Summary section shows the name and description of the business schema, in addition to the number of folders and views in the Business Schema. Views in folders are not counted in the displayed number.


The Canvas shows folders and views in a given business schema.

The Canvas contains the following:

  • Title bar: shows the name of the view or folder and number of items.
  • More Options (⋮ vertical ellipsis): select to open the More Options menu.
  • Folders and views tree.
  • For new views, the Canvas shows the Create In Analyzer, Create Via PostgreSQL (Create Via SQL before 2024.7.x), and Create Via Spark SQL (starting 2024.7.x) options to add a new view to the folder using the Analyzer or the Query Editor respectively.
  • For new folders, the Canvas shows the Add View option to add a new view to the folder.

Title bar

The Title bar shows the name of the view or folder. You can use the Title bar to edit the folder or view name.

In addition to the name, the Title bar shows the following:

  • For a folder, it shows the number of runtime business views in the folder.
  • For a runtime business view, it shows:
  • The number of columns and formula columns in the runtime business view.
  • A B icon appears next to the number of columns in the case that the business schema view has a base table. Hover over the B icon to view the selected base table.
  • A green circle with a tick mark in the case of a verified business schema view.
  • A gray circle with a tick mark in the case of a non-verified business schema view. To view the reason why it is not verified, hover over this mark and select Show Details.
  • The number of selected columns if any.
  • A trash can icon (Delete) to delete the selected columns in the case of a business schema view (not available in the case of selected columns from other view types).
  • A four-start icon (Generate/Suggest) to use the integrated AI tools to generate descriptions or labels for the selected columns.

More Options menu

The More Options menu for folders and views contains different options.

  • The More Options menu for a folder shows the following options:
    • Edit: Opens the Business Schema Designer edit mode.
    • Empty Folder: Moves all runtime business views from the folder.
    • Add View: Adds a new view to the folder.
    • Delete Folder: select to delete the folder and all its runtime business views.
  • The More Options menu for a runtime business view shows the following options:
    • Edit: Opens the Business Schema Designer edit mode.
    • Edit View Info: Opens the Edit View Info dialog to edit the runtime business view name and description.
    • Create In Analyzer: Opens the Analyzer to create a new Incorta Analyzer View. Available for new views only.
    • Create Via SQL/Create Via PostgreSQL: Opens the Query Editor to create a new Incorta PostgreSQL View. Available for new views only.
    • Create Via Spark SQL: Opens the Query Editor to create a new Spark SQL View. Available starting 2024.7.x for new views only.
    • Edit In Analyzer: Opens the Analyzer to edit the Incorta Analyzer View.
    • Edit Via SQL/Edit Via PostgreSQL: Opens the Query Editor to edit the Incorta PostgreSQL View.
    • Edit Via Spark SQL: Opens the Query Editor to edit the Spark SQL View. Available starting 2024.7.x.
    • Move To Folder: Moves the runtime business view to a selected folder.
    • Move Out of Folder: Moves the runtime business view from a folder.
    • Clear All: Removes all columns in the runtime business view.
    • Set Base Table: Opens the Set Base Table to specify the base table for the business schema view.
    • Change Base Table: Opens Change Base Table to specify another base table for the business schema view.
    • Remove Base Table: Removes the base table specified for the business schema view.
    • Delete: Deletes the runtime business view.

Folders and views tree

The Canvas shows the business schema folders and views as a tree that represents a hierarchy:

–– Folder (if any)

–––– Runtime business view

–––––– Column

You can expand or collapse each folder or view: select > (caret or chevron right icon) or the V (caret or chevron down icon) respectively.

The tree shows the following details for an expanded runtime business view:

  • For a column in a business schema view, it shows the Name, Label, source column data Type, Description, and fully qualified name of the Source Column.
  • For a formula column in a business schema view, it shows the Name, Label, calculated column data Type, Description, Function, and Formula.
  • For a column in an Incorta Analyzer View, a Spark SQL View, or a PostgreSQL View, it shows the Name, Label, data Type, Description (starting 2024.1.x), and Function.
  • In both view and edit modes, you can access the Data Lineage Viewer v2 of runtime business views, columns, and formula columns to track both the source (upstream lineage) and destination (downstream lineage) of data.
  • You can't edit or change the view column data type. However, when you change the data type of the source column, the new type is reflected automatically in dependent business schema views while you must save Analyzer, PostgreSQL, and Spark SQL views again to have the data type updated.
  • Starting with 2024.1.x, you can set the date or number format per column or formula column in a business schema view. Once configured, this format will be the column's default format whenever the column or formula column is added to an insight. However, you can still apply a different format to the insight column. You can also update columns in existing insights to inherit the view column format.
    • After upgrading to 2024.1.x, updating the view column format will not impact existing insight columns unless you configure insight columns to inherit the view column format.
    • Changing the view column format affects all insights where the insight column inherits the view column format.
    • Format updates at the view column level will not override the format specified at the insight column level.
    • You cannot set the default format for columns in Analyzer, PostgreSQL, and Spark SQL views.

When you expand a folder or view while in edit mode, you can perform different actions:

  • When you expand a folder in the tree, you can:
    • Create a runtime business view in the folder (select + in the folder Title bar.)
    • Order runtime business views in the folder.
    • Drag and drop a runtime business view to or from the folder.
  • When you expand a runtime business view in the tree, you can:
    • View column details and sample data for a column in a runtime business view.
    • Preview dependent entities of columns or formula columns.
  • When you expand a business schema view in the tree, you can:
    • Add columns from the Data panel to the expanded business schema view.
    • Add formulas from the Data panel to the expanded business schema view.
    • Edit column properties:
      • Name
      • Label
      • Description
      • Default format (in the case of a date or numeric column)
    • Edit formula column properties:
      • Name
      • Label
      • Description
      • Function
      • Set Formula or Change Formula
      • Default format (in the case of a date or numeric formula column)
    • Order columns and formula columns in the business schema view.
    • Delete a column or formula column from a business schema view.
AI-supported features for business schemas

Starting with the 2024.1.0 release, you can use the integrated AI tools to generate and suggest descriptions and labels for selected columns in a runtime business view, allowing for:

  • Providing more accurate and consistent descriptions and labels.
  • Reducing manual effort.
  • Ensuring data clarity.

The AI tool creates and suggests column labels based on the column name while it generates and suggests column descriptions based on the table and schema names. You can select one or more columns to generate descriptions or labels for.


These features are available on Cloud installations only as they require the Incorta Copilot feature to be enabled and configured.

Data panel

The Data panel is available in the Business Schema Designer edit mode only. It shows columns in selected physical schema tables to use for business schema views. The Tree in the Data panel represents a hierarchy:

–– Physical schema

–––– Table

–––––– Column

In the Tree, an icon exists next to the column name to indicate the column function.

  • A key icon indicates a key column.
  • The letter A indicates a dimension column.
  • A # symbol indicates a measure column.
  • A clock icon indicates a date/time column regardless of the column function.

Use the Data panel to:

  • Expand all in tree or collapse all in tree.
  • Search for specific tables or columns in one or more schemas.
  • Open the Manage Dataset panel (select + or Manage Dataset to open it).
  • Collapse and expand the tree of columns.
  • View the details of a column.
  • Preview the data for a column.
  • Add a formula to a business schema view (drag and drop to the view canvas).
  • Add a column to a business schema view (drag and drop to the view canvas).

Starting 2024.7.x, when you search for columns within the Data panel, Incorta searches within both the column's name and label. The name and label also appear when displaying the column details. Additionally, you have the option to control what the Data panel displays: the column name or the label.

Manage Dataset panel

Use the Manage Dataset panel to select an entire schema, select a table, or search for a specific table. The Search in the Manage Dataset panel does not support finding specific columns.

Here are some of the options available in the Manage Dataset panel:

  • Select tables or schemas.
  • Search for a table.
  • Tree to select schemas and tables.
  • Filter columns according to the data type or to display key columns only

Business Schema Designer actions for a business schema

With the Business Schema Designer, you can perform the following actions for a business schema:

Explore the business schema data via the Analyzer

  • In Business Schema Designer view mode, in the Action bar, select Explore Data > via Analyzer.
  • Use the Analyzer to do one of the following according to the assigned access rights and roles:
    • Create an insight referencing columns or formula columns in runtime business views in the business schema and other shared business schemas, in addition to objects in shared physical schemas.
    • Create and save a business schema view (that references columns and formula columns in shared physical schemas) in the current business schema or other shared business schemas (requires the Schema Manager role)

For more information about how to use the Analyzer to create insights or business schema views, refer to Tools → Analyzer.


The Save as Business View option is available only for a Listing Table insight.

Explore the business schema data via Notebook

This option is available on Cloud clusters starting 2024.1.0 and on On-Premises clusters staring 2024.7.x. Notebook for Business Users must be enabled and configured on the cluster to have this option available. For releases before 2024.7.x, you must be assigned the Analyze User role; starting 2024.7.x, you must be assigned the Advanced Analyzer User role. You can explore only verified business views via the Notebook for Business Users.

For more details, refer to References → Notebook for Business Users.

  • In Business Schema Designer view mode, in the Action bar, select Explore Datavia Notebook.
  • For releases before 2024.7.x, run the command: set_pat(“<PAT>”), replacing <PAT> with your generated PAT.
  • Start using the Notebook.
  • Select Save.
  • In the Add Notebook dialog, enter a name for the new notebook, and then select Add. Created notebooks appear on the Content Manager.

Edit the business schema

  • In the Business Schema Designer, in the Action bar, select Edit.
  • Use the Business Schema Designer in edit mode to add or edit runtime business views and folders in the business schema.
  • In the Action bar, select Save Changes.

For more information about the actions that you can perform for a folder, see Business Schema Designer actions for folders.

For more information about the actions you can perform for a runtime business view, see Business Schema Designer actions for runtime business views.

Copy the business schema

  • In the Action bar, select More Options (⋮ vertical ellipsis), and then select Make a copy.
  • In the Make a copy dialog, update the name and other information of the new business schema as required.
  • Select Save.

Validation Rules for a business schema name A business schema name…

  • Must be unique.
  • Must be between 1 and 250 characters in length.
  • Must begin with an alpha character, lower or upper case.
  • After the first alpha character, can contain zero or more alphanumeric characters in lower, upper, or mixed case.
  • After the first alpha character, can contain zero or more underscore (_) or Dollar sign ($) characters.
  • Besides underscore (_) and Dollar sign ($), cannot contain special characters, symbols, or spaces.
  • Is not case-sensitive. (starting with 2024.1.x)

Edit the business schema information

  • In the Action bar, select More Options (⋮ vertical ellipsis), and then select Edit Information.
  • In the Edit Information dialog, update the description and department of the business schema as required. You can enter up to 500 alphanumeric characters, including spaces and special characters.
  • Select Save.

Share the business schema

  • In the Action bar, select More Options (⋮ vertical ellipsis), and then select Share.
  • In the Share dialog, you can do the following:
    • Remove an existing user or group.
    • Modify the existing access rights for a user or group.
    • Add a new user or group with the access rights.

Export the business schema

  • In the Action bar, select More Options (⋮ vertical ellipsis).
  • Select Export. The exported business schema .zip file is downloaded to your default Downloads folder.

Delete the business schema

  • In the Action bar, select More Options (⋮ vertical ellipsis), and then select Delete.
  • In the dialog, select Delete.

Business Schema Designer actions for runtime business views

With the Business Schema Designer, you can perform the following actions for runtime business views:


Validation Rules for a runtime business view name

A runtime business view name…

  • Must be unique at the business schema level: no 2 views or more can share the same name; however, a view and a folder can share the same name in the business schema.
  • Must be at least 1 character in length.
  • Must begin with an alpha character, lower or upper case.
  • After the first alpha character, can contain zero or more alphanumeric characters in lower, upper, or mixed case.
  • After the first alpha character, can contain zero or more underscore (_) or Dollar sign ($) characters.
  • Besides underscore (_) and Dollar sign ($), cannot contain special characters, symbols, or spaces.

Create a new business schema view

  • If this is the first view in the business schema, in the Canvas, select Add New View. Otherwise, in the Action bar, select Edit, and then select +NewAdd New View.
  • In the Business Schema Designer, in the Canvas, do the following:
    • Drag and drop columns from the Data panel to the business schema view, and for each column, specify the column properties as required. For more information, review Concepts → Business Schema View Column.
    • Drag and drop a formula from the Data panel to the business schema view canvas, select the function of the formula column (Dimension or Measure), select Set Formula, and use the Formula Builder to create the formula column. For more information, review Concepts → Business Schema View Formula Column.
    • Hover over a given column or formula column, and then select Delete (trash can icon) to remove it from the business schema view. You can select one or more columns, and then in the view's title bar, select Delete (trash can icon).
    • Select the view name, edit it, and then select any other place in the Business Schema Designer.
  • In the Action bar, select Save Changes.

Create a new Incorta Analyzer View

  • If this is the first view in the business schema, in the Canvas, select Add New View. Otherwise, in the Action bar, select Edit, and then select +NewAdd New View.
  • In the Business Schema Designer, in the Canvas, select Create In Analyzer.
  • Use the Analyzer to create and save the new Incorta Analyzer View. For more information about how to use the Analyzer to create an Incorta Analyzer View, review Tools → Analyzer.
  • Select the view name, edit it, and then select any other place in the Business Schema Designer.
  • In the Action bar, select Save Changes.

Create a new PostgreSQL (Incorta SQL) View

  • If this is the first view in the business schema, in the Canvas, select Add New View. Otherwise, in the Action bar, select Edit, and then select +NewAdd New View.
  • In the Business Schema Designer, in the Canvas, select Create Via SQL/Create Via PostgreSQL.
  • Use the PostgreSQL Editor to create and save the new PostgreSQL (Incorta SQL) view.
  • Select Format to format the query, and then select Execute to preview the output.
  • In the Action bar, select Save Changes.

You can test a portion of the query of PostgreSQL (Incorta SQL) views. Select the portion you want, and then select Execute. However, the Business Schema Designer uses the whole script to create the view.

Create a new Spark SQL View

  • If this is the first view in the business schema, in the Canvas, select Add New View. Otherwise, in the Action bar, select Edit, and then select +NewAdd New View.
  • In the Business Schema Designer, in the Canvas, select Create Via Spark SQL.
  • Use the Spark SQL Editor to create and save the new Spark SQL view.
  • Select Format to format the query, and then select Execute to preview the output.
  • In the Action bar, select Save Changes.

You can test a portion of the query of Spark SQL views. Select the portion you want, and then select Execute. However, the Business Schema Designer uses the whole script to create the view.

Edit a business schema view

  • In the Business Schema Designer, in the Action bar, select Edit.
  • In the Canvas, expand the business schema view and make the necessary changes:
    • To add a new column, drag and drop a column from the Data panel to the business schema view. For more information, review Concepts → Business Schema View Column.
    • To add a formula column, drag and drop a formula from the Data panel to the business schema view, select Set Formula, and use the Formula Builder to create the formula column. For more information, review Concepts → Business Schema View Formula Column.
    • To edit the properties of a column or formula, change the name, label, and/or description of the column or formula.
    • To change the formula of a formula column, select Change Formula, and use the Formula Builder to update the formula column. For more information, review Concepts → Business Schema View Formula Column.
    • To change the function of a formula column, for Source Column/Formula, select Dimension or Measure.
    • To order columns or formula columns in the business schema view, drag and drop a given column or formula column to the place you want in the business schema view.
    • To remove a given column or formula column from the business schema view, hover over the row, and then select Delete (trash can icon).
    • To remove one or more columns or formula columns from the business schema view, select them, and then in the view's title bar, select Delete (trash can icon).
  • In the Action bar, select Save Changes.

Set the date or number format at the view column level

  • In the Edit mode, expand the business schema view you want.
  • For the date or numeric column you want to set its default format, in the Type column, specify the format options depending on the column's data type.
    • for numeric columns, you can select a predefined format, such as Rounded and Percent, and specify additional options, including the number of decimal places, a prefix, a suffix, and the thousands separator.
    • For date columns, you can select a predefined date format, such as Short, Long, and Full, or enter a date mask, such as MMM dd, yyyy hh.

The following table shows the valid characters for a date mask and what each of them represents.

Mask CharacterDescriptionExample
sThe seconds without a leading zero5, 10
ssThe seconds with a leading zero05, 10
mThe minutes without a leading zero7, 55
mmThe minutes with a leading zero07, 55
hThe hour in 12-hour notation without a leading zero6, 11
hhThe hour 12-hour notation with a leading zero06, 11
HThe hour in the 24-hour notation without a leading zero8, 20
HHThe hour in the 24-hour notation with a leading zero08, 20
aThe day period in lowercase: am or pm6 am, 11 pm
AThe day period in uppercase: AM or PM6 AM, 11 PM
dThe day as a number without a leading zero9, 28
ddThe day as a number with a leading zero09, 28
MThe month as a number without a leading zero3, 12
MMThe month as a number with a leading zero03, 12
MMMThe month as an abbreviationMar, Dec
MMMMThe month as a full nameMarch, December
yyThe year as a two-digit number24
yyyyThe year as a four-digit number2024

Use AI tools to generate column labels

  • In the Edit mode, expand the business schema view, and then select the columns you want the integrated AI tools to generate labels for.
  • In the view's title bar, select Generate/Suggest (four-star icon), and then select Generate Labels.
  • Update the generated labels if required, and then save the changes.

Use AI tools to generate column descriptions

  • In the Edit mode, expand the business schema view, and then select the columns you want the integrated AI tools to generate description for.
  • In the view's title bar, select Generate/Suggest (four-star icon), and then select Generate Description.
  • Update the generated descriptions if required, and then save the changes.

Edit an Incorta Analyzer View

You can edit an Incorta Analyzer View only in the Analyzer.

  • In the Business Schema Designer, in the Action bar, select Edit.
  • In the Canvas, for a given Incorta Analyzer View, select More Options (⋮ vertical ellipsis).
  • Select Edit In Analyzer.
  • In the Analyzer, make the required changes, and then select Save.
  • In the Action bar, select Save Changes.

Edit a PostgreSQL (Incorta SQL) View

You can edit a PostgreSQL (Incorta SQL) View only in the PostgreSQL editor.

  • In the Business Schema Designer, in the Action bar, select Edit.
  • In the Canvas, for a given PostgreSQL (Incorta SQL) View, select More Options (⋮ vertical ellipsis).
  • Select Edit Via SQL.
  • In the PostgreSQL editor, make the required changes, and then select Done.
  • In the Action bar, select Save Changes.

Rename a runtime business view

  • In the Business Schema Designer, in the Action bar, select Edit.
  • In the Canvas, for a given view, in the title bar, select the view name, and edit it.
  • Select any other place in the Business Schema Designer.
  • In the Action bar, select Save Changes.

You can also change the name when editing the runtime business view info.

Edit runtime business view info

  • In the Business Schema Designer, in the Action bar, select Edit.
  • In the Canvas, for a given view, select More Options (⋮ vertical ellipsis).
  • Select Edit View Info.
  • In the dialog, change the name of the view as required, optionally add a description, and then select Done.
  • In the Action bar, select Save Changes.

Move a runtime business view to a folder

  • In the Business Schema Designer, in the Action bar, select Edit.
  • In the Canvas, for a given view, do one of the following:
    • Select More Options (⋮ vertical ellipsis), select Move To Folder, and then select the folder you want to move the view to.
    • Expand the folder you want to move the view to, and then drag and drop the view to this folder.
  • In the Action bar, select Save Changes.

Move a runtime business view out of a folder

  • In the Business Schema Designer, in the Action bar, select Edit.
  • In the Canvas, for a given view that exists in a folder, do one of the following:
    • Select More Options (⋮ vertical ellipsis), and then select Move Out of Folder.
    • Drag and drop the view out of the folder to the root list or to another expanded folder.
  • In the Action bar, select Save Changes.

Remove all columns from a runtime business view

  • In the Business Schema Designer, in the Action bar, select Edit.
  • In the Canvas, for a given view, select More Options (⋮ vertical ellipsis).
  • Select Clear All.
  • In the dialog, select Clear.
  • In the Action bar, select Save Changes.

Remove a column from a business schema view

  • In the Business Schema Designer, in the Action bar, select Edit.
  • In the Canvas, expand a given business schema view.
  • For a given column or formula column in the business schema view, hover over the row, and then select Delete (trash can icon).
  • In the Action bar, select Save Changes.

Remove one or more columns from a business schema view

  • In the Business Schema Designer, in the Action bar, select Edit.
  • In the Canvas, expand a given business schema view.
  • Select the columns and formula columns that you want to remove.
  • In the view's title bar, select Delete (trash can icon).
  • In the Action bar, select Save Changes.

View details and sample data of a column in a business schema view

You can view the details and sample data of a column in a business schema view in both view and edit modes.

  • In the Canvas, expand a given business schema view.
  • For a given column in the business schema view, hover over the row, and then select View Details (eye icon).
  • Review the column details and sample data.

View the data lineage of a runtime business view

  • In the Business Schema Designer, for the runtime business view you want, select More Options (⋮ vertical ellipsis).
  • Select Open Lineage.
  • Use the Data Lineage Viewer v2 to review the upstream and downstream lineage of the respective view.

The Data Lineage feature is not supported for Spark SQL views as of 2024.7.x.

View the data lineage of a runtime business view column

  • In the Business Schema Designer, expand the runtime business view you want.
  • In the columns section, for the column or formula column you want, select Lineage.
  • Use the Data Lineage Viewer v2 to review the upstream and downstream lineage of the respective column.

Set the base table for a business schema view

You can use the Business Schema Designer to set the base table for a business schema view only. This will enable a default query path for attribute-only queries, where one of the attributes is from the current business schema view.

Here are the steps to set the base table for a business schema view:

  • In the Business Schema Designer, in the Action bar, select Edit.
  • In the Canvas, for a given business schema view, select More Options (⋮ vertical ellipsis).
  • Select Set Base Table.
  • In the Set Base Table dialog, in Schema, select the physical schema that contains the table that you want.
  • In Base Table, select the base table that you want.
  • Select Set.
  • In the Action bar, select Save Changes.

To set the base table for an Incorta Analyzer View, in the Analyzer, for the measure you want, drag a column from the Base Table to the Measures tray → pill properties panel → AdvancedBase Field.


In the case of using a base table other than a physical schema table, load the object data after defining the base table for the business schema view.

Change the base table for a business schema view

  • In the Business Schema Designer, in the Action bar, select Edit.
  • In the Canvas, for a given business schema view that has a base table, select More Options (⋮ vertical ellipsis).
  • Select Change Base Table.
  • In the Change Base Table dialog, in Schema, select the physical schema that contains the table that you want.
  • In Base Table, select the base table that you want.
  • Select Change.
  • In the Action bar, select Save Changes.

Remove the base table for a business schema view

  • In the Business Schema Designer, in the Action bar, select Edit.
  • In the Canvas, for a given business schema view that has a base table, select More Options (⋮ vertical ellipsis).
  • Select Remove Base Table.
  • In the dialog, select Remove Base Table.
  • In the Action bar, select Save Changes.

Delete a runtime business view

  • In the Business Schema Designer, in the Action bar, select Edit.
  • In the Canvas, for a given view, select More Options (⋮ vertical ellipsis).
  • Select Delete.
  • In the dialog, select Delete.
  • In the Action bar, select Save Changes.

Business Schema Designer actions for folders

With the Business Schema Designer, you can perform the following actions for folders:


Validation Rules for a folder name

A folder name…

  • Must be unique at the business schema level: no 2 folders or more can share the same name; however, a view and a folder can share the same name in the business schema
  • Must be at least 1 character in length.
  • Must begin with an alpha character, lower or upper case.
  • After the first alpha character, can contain zero or more alphanumeric characters in lower, upper, or mixed case.
  • After the first alpha character, can contain zero or more underscore (_) or Dollar sign ($) characters.
  • Besides underscore (_) and Dollar sign ($), cannot contain special characters, symbols, or spaces.

Create a new folder

  • If the business schema doesn't have any views or folders, in the Canvas, select Add New Folder. Otherwise, in the Action bar, select Edit, and then select +NewAdd New Folder.
  • Make any required changes, and then in the Action bar, select Save Changes.

Edit a folder

  • In the Business Schema Designer, in the Action bar, select Edit.
  • In the Canvas, expand the folder, and make the necessary changes, for example,
    • To add a new view, in the Title bar, select +.
    • To order views in the folder, drag and drop the view to the place you want.
    • To move a view to the folder, drag and drop the view to the folder.
    • To move a view from the folder, drag and drop the view out of the folder.
  • In the Action bar, select Save Changes.

Create a runtime business view in a folder

  • In the Business Schema Designer, in the Action bar, select Edit.
  • In the Canvas, for a given folder, select More Options (⋮ vertical ellipsis), and then select Add View.
  • Do one of the following:
    • Drag and drop columns from the Data panel to the new view to create a business schema view.
    • Select Create In Analyzer to create a new Incorta Analyzer View.
    • Select Create Via SQL/Create Via PostgreSQL to create a new PostgreSQL (Incorta SQL) View.
    • Select Create Via Spark SQL to create a new Spark SQL View.
  • In the Action bar, select Save Changes.

Rename a folder

  • In the Business Schema Designer, in the Action bar, select Edit.
  • In the Canvas, for a given folder, select the folder name, and edit it as necessary.
  • Select any other place in the Business Schema Designer.
  • In the Action bar, select Save Changes.

Empty a folder

When you empty a given folder, all its runtime business views are moved to the Business Schema root list.

  • In the Business Schema Designer, in the Action bar, select Edit.
  • In the Canvas, for a given folder, select More Options (⋮ vertical ellipsis).
  • Select Empty Folder.
  • In the Action bar, select Save Changes.

Delete a folder

When you delete a folder, all runtime business views in this folder are deleted as well.

  • In the Business Schema Designer, in the Action bar, select Edit.
  • In the Canvas, for a given folder, select More Options (⋮ vertical ellipsis).
  • Select Delete Folder.
  • In the dialog, select Delete.
  • In the Action bar, select Save Changes.

Business Schema Designer actions for a version

you can use the Business Schema Designer to perform the following actions for business schema versions:

Search or filter the version history

  • In Business Schema Designer view mode, in the Action bar, select More Options (⋮ vertical ellipsis), and then select Version History.
  • In the Version history drawer, specify the filter criteria as required:
    • For Version Date, select a period to search for versions created or restored within this period. You can select a predefined period, such as Yesterday and Last 7 days (including today), or select custom, and then specify the period’s start and end dates.
    • For Modified By, the name of the user who created the version you search for.
    • Enable the Only Show Named Versions toggle to show only named versions.
  • The Saved Versions tab shows the versions that match the filter options you specified.

Name a version

  • In Business Schema Designer view mode, in the Action bar, select More Options (⋮ vertical ellipsis), and then select Version History.
  • In the Version history drawer, optionally, search for the version you want.
  • For a given version, select the version name (by default, the version creation or restore time is the version name).
  • Specify a new name for the version, and then press ENTER or select any other place in the drawer or the Business Schema Designer.

A version name can have alphanumeric or special characters. The length of a version name cannot exceed 50 characters including spaces. You can't add additional changes to a version after you name it; a new version is created when you try to save further changes.

Export a version

  • In Business Schema Designer view mode, in the Action bar, select More Options (⋮ vertical ellipsis), and then select Version History.
  • In the Version history drawer, optionally, search for the version you want.
  • For a given version, select More Options (⋮ vertical ellipsis) → Export. The exported business schema .zip file is saved to the Downloads folder.

Restore a version

When you restore a version of a business schema, a copy of this version becomes the current version. The default name of the copied version is its restore (creation) time. The original version remains as is with its name and creation date. When you restore a previous version, you not only restore the objects and their states, but you also restore the description and assigned department defined in this version.

Here are the steps to restore a version of a business schema:

  • In Business Schema Designer view mode, in the Action bar, select More Options (⋮ vertical ellipsis), and then select Version History.
  • In the Version history drawer, optionally, search for the version you want.
  • For a given version, select More Options (⋮ vertical ellipsis) → Restore.