Concepts → Business Schema View

About a business schema view

A Business Schema View is one of the types of views that you can create in a Business Schema. There are other type of views:

Conceptually speaking, all types are Runtime Business Views.

You can create a business schema view with the Business Schema Designer. Here are the characteristics of a business schema view:

DescriptionBusiness Schema View
Narrow and curate the columns exposed
the underlying physical schema tables
Standardized business terminology
Pre-defined row-level formulas and
Object data lineage

You can view the data lineage of business schema views in the Data Lineage Viewer v2 that displays a diagram with the entities referenced in the business view (upstream lineage) and entities where the business view is referenced (downstream lineage). Additionally, you can view the data lineage per column or formula column in the business view.

Properties of a business schema view

A business schema view consists of:

SQL-compliant verified business schema views

Starting with the 2024.1.x releases, the Analytics Engine can validate business schema views for compatibility with external BI tools and SQL compliance. You can easily identify a verified business view by the green circle with a tick mark displayed next to it in the Business Schema Designer.

A Verified view is a business schema view that:

  • Does not contain formulas referencing columns from Analyzer Views, Spark SQL Views, or PostgreSQL Views.
  • Does not contain aggregation functions.
  • Has a valid query plan, which means any of the following:
    • A base table is explicitly defined and is valid for all the view columns (constitutes a valid join path).
    • If there is no defined explicit base table, there must be a valid implicit base table connecting all columns in the view.

If the view does not meet any of the above criteria, it will not be considered verified. You can view the reason why it is not verified by hovering over the gray circle with a tick mark and selecting Show Details.

  • External BI tools connecting via the Advanced SQL Interface and Notebook for Analyzer users will have access only to the verified views in a business schema. However, external BI tools connecting via the classic SQL Interface will have access to both verified and non-verified views.
  • A Spark SQL View (available starting 2024.7.x) is a verified view.

Current limitations and known issues

  • This feature applies only to business schema views.
  • Analyzer and PostgreSQL views are excluded from the verification process.
  • If a view is considered unverified due to multiple reasons, only the first encountered one will be displayed.
  • If a business schema view contains only session or global variables, it is considered unverified.