Concepts → Dashboard Folder

About a dashboard folder

A dashboard folder is an object that you can create in the Content Manager to organize the dashboards or the subfolders that you create.

A dashboard folder can contain zero or more subfolders and dashboards. Incorta sorts the folders alphabetically.

For a dashboard folder, you can perform one or more of the following actions, depending on your access right:

  • Add folder
  • Export folder
  • Import folder
  • Delete folder
  • Rename folder
  • Move folder
  • Share access to the folder

For more information and examples about these actions, refer to Content Manager.

Dashboard folder naming convention

A dashboard folder name must adhere to the following naming validation rules:

  • Must be unique to the user
  • Must be between 1 and 255 characters in length
  • Can start with or contain special characters and numbers

A folder name is unique per user. Yet, you can have multiple folders with the same name only if these folders are shared with you by different users.


Having duplicate folder names is not recommended to avoid confusion.

Dashboard folder access rights

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) enforces access to certain features and functionality. With Discretionary Access Control (DAC), a user who owns the dashboard folder can control the access to the folder and its content. Access rights include the ability to view, share, and edit the folder. Together, RBAC and DAC affect the available selections in the More Options menu for a dashboard folder.

For more information about RBAC and DAC, refer to the Security Manager documentation.

TIn addition, certain tenant configurations by a Cluster Management Console (CMC) Administrator affect the available selections in the More Options menu for a dashboard folder.

Only users that are members of a group with one of the following user roles, can create a folder:

  • Advanced Analyzer User role
  • Analyze User role
  • Individual Analyzer role
  • SuperRole role

If you are an owner of a dashboard folder, you can share its access with another individual user or a group.

There are three types of access rights:

  • Edit
  • Share
  • View

The following table shows the actions that you can perform on a dashboard folder according to your access rights or if you are already the owner.

Action/Share Access RightOwnerViewShareEdit
Share Access
Move to

Refer to Security and sharing access for more information on sharing best practices.

About dashboard folder views

There are two types of view for a dashboard folder:

  • Card View
  • List View

Card View

The card view is a box that surrounds a folder icon with the folder title and the More Options menu. An outlined icon and white background indicates an empty folder.

A blue folder indicates that one or more dashboards or subfolders exist. On mouse hover, a tooltip shows how many dashboards or subfolders are in this folder.

A shared folder will have the initials of the user who shared it as a circle on the folder icon. When you hover on the initial, a tooltip shows the owner username of the folder and your access rights to it.

List View

The list view displays the folder in the form of a list. Each folder has the following details:

NameThe name of the dashboard or folder
DescriptionFor dashboards only, a description of the dashboard
ContentsFor folders only, the number of dashboards and subfolders in the folder
OwnerThe display name of the user creator
Last ModifiedThe date and time the dashboard or folder was last modified

Export and Import dashboard folders

You can export and import a dashboard folder using the Content Manager. For more information, refer to the Content Manager document.

Additional considerations

The following are some points that you should take into consideration while creating a dashboard folder.

Folder structure

Plan ahead your folder structure by knowing your internal stakeholders and the organization of your data landscape. One of the common folder structures used is to organize the folders according to the business workflow or business process. Such a structure works effectively when you combine data from different data sources.

Security and sharing access

Create a process for sharing and communicate it with your Incorta users to help you manage your content and avoid pitfalls.

Do not add content to a folder if it requires different access rights than the content itself. Instead try creating a folder at a higher level, and then share it accordingly.


Do not share with individuals, instead share with groups.

Content visibility

There is no user in Incorta that would automatically see all objects. Objects are only visible to their owners (the users who created them) and to those with whom the objects are shared.

Sharing a subfolder and then sharing its parent folder might result in duplicate content in the Content Manager. The subfolder may appear as a parent folder, which is misleading and might cause confusion. If you need to share a parent folder of a shared subfolder, move the subfolder to a top level so it would be in the same level of the parent folder.

User and group setup

Create different groups with different roles, then start creating users and assign them to the appropriate group(s) based on the content that they should see.


If a user belongs to multiple groups, they will have the highest privilege available across all roles associated with these groups.