Concepts → Join Filter Column

About a join filter column

A join filter column is the filterable column in a join filter expression.

While a join condition defines the relationship between the entity objects in the join and specifies the criteria for matching records in the Parent entity, a join filter further restricts the records to retrieve from the Parent entity object. Both the join condition and join filter exists in the ON clause of the SQL statement.

The join filter column, along with the join filter operator and value, constructs the expression that restricts the rows to retrieve from the Parent entity object in the join. As such, a join filter column references a column in the Parent entity object (that is, the entity object in the right side of the join). You specify a join filter in a physical schema using the Join Editor.

Supported columns for a join filter column

The following are the types of columns that you can reference in a join filter:

  • Physical_Schema.Table.Column
  • Physical_Schema.Table.Formula_Column
  • Physical_Schema.Incorta_Analyzer_Table.Column
  • Physical_Schema.Incorta_Analyzer_Table.Formula_Column
  • Physical_Schema.Materialized_View.Column
  • Physical_Schema.Materialized_View.Formula_Column
  • Physical_Schema.Alias.Column
  • Physical_Schema.Alias.Formula_Column
  • Physical_Schema.Incorta_SQL_Table.Column (including computed columns)
Note: Supporting joins using cross-table formulas

Before 2024.7.x, Incorta has not supported using cross-table formula columns as a join filter column. Starting 2024.7.x, Incorta supports one level of joins using cross-table formulas. The Loader executes Post-load calculations using a plan generated based on the dependencies between calculations while the Analytics perform calculations in stages: first in-table formulas, then joins, and finally cross-table formulas. After evaluating the cross-table formulas, a second stage for join calculations is performed.


In the case of a cross-schema join, you need to own both physical schemas or, at least, have Edit access rights to the physical schema of the Child object and View access rights to the physical schema of the Parent object.

Supported data types for a join filter column

The following table shows the supported and recommended data types for columns that you can reference in a join filter from the Parent entity object:

Data typeSupportedRecommended
Boolean (in the case of using formula columns that return a boolean value)

It is not recommended to use a text or string column for the join filter column as string comparisons can be slow for large data volumes.