Tools → Scheduler

About the Scheduler

The Scheduler allows you to both manage the scheduled jobs for dashboard delivery and create and manage scheduled jobs for data notifications, load plans, and load plan notifications. Incorta sends the scheduled dashboards, data notifications (dashboard alerts), or load plan notifications in an email to the recipients you specify. You can also deliver a dashboard to a Data Destination.

Important: Etc/GMT time zones

When you select a time zone for scheduled jobs, note that Etc/GMT time zones have the opposite offset of similar GMT time zones. In other words, the Etc/GMT+x is the opposite of the GMT+x:00; however, the Etc/GMT+x is the same as the GMT-x:00. For example, if the UTC time is 12:00pm, then the time in the Etc/GMT+4 and GMT-4:00 time zones will be 8:00am while the time in the Etc/GMT-4 and GMT+4:00 time zones will be 4:00pm.

  • To minimize the impact of Daylight Savings Time (DST) on job start time, ensure that any scheduled job you create runs at least once before DST occurs.
  • If you have a browser window open before DST occurs, you will need to refresh the browser page to view the correct Next Run time of a scheduled job after DST occurs.

Scheduler access rights

To access the Scheduler, in the Navigation bar, select Scheduler.

All Incorta Analytics users can access the Scheduler, but not all users can create or manage scheduled jobs. Only users who created or have edit rights to a dashboard can edit a scheduled job for a dashboard delivery. The users who create or have edit rights to a schema can create and manage a scheduled load plan for it.


If you don't have edit rights and didn't create a schema, the +New button is disabled.

Scheduler Anatomy

The Scheduler consists of the following:

Context Bar

The context bar consists of the four tabs:

  • Dashboards: contains a list of the scheduled dashboards deliverables.
  • Load Plans: contains a list of load plans.
  • Data Notifications: contains a list of the configured data notifications (dashboard alerts).
  • Notifications: contains a list of the configured load plan notifications. Available starting with 2024.1.x to replace the Schema Notifications in previous releases.

Action Bar

The action bar contains the +New button that opens the New menu. It is available when you open any tab except for the Dashboard tab.

The following are the options available on the New menu:

Add Load PlanAdds a new load plan job
Import Load PlanImport one or more load plans.
Available in releases starting with 2024.1.x.
Create Data NotificationsCreates a new dashboard notification
Import Data NotificationsImports data notifications from a .zip file
Create Load Plan NotificationsCreates a new email notification upon the execution of a load plan.
Available in the 2024.1.x releases.

The +New button isn't available on the Dashboards tab. You create a dashboard delivery scheduled job from the Content Manager.

The Search bar contains a search text box that is only available on the Load Plans and Notifications tabs. For notifications, you can search by any part of a given job name. On the Load Plans tab, you can search by the schema name or the load plan name.

The Search bar shows:

  • The number of items in the result list
  • The number of selected items in the result list with the option (x) to deselect the items
  • Delete icon: To delete all selected items
  • Export icon: To export Data Notifications (only available on the Data Notifications tab)
  • More Options: Available in the case of load plans only. When you select one or more load plan, the More Options menu shows the following options depending on the status of the selected load plans:
    • Activate: Activates suspended load plans in the selected plans.
    • Suspend: Suspends active load plans in the selected plans.
    • Export: Exports the selected load plans to a .zip file. This option is available starting with 2024.1.x.
    • Delete: Deletes the selected load plans.

List View

Dashboards list view

The Dashboards list view displays all of the scheduled delivery jobs that you created for a certain dashboard.

Select AllcheckboxA header control to select all scheduled jobs for dashboard delivery.
NametextThe scheduled job unique name that you entered while creating the scheduled dashboard delivery.
OwnertextThe username that created the scheduled dashboard delivery.
DashboardlinkSelect the dashboard name to navigate to the corresponding dashboard.
StatuslinkThe status of the scheduled job. When selected, a prompt is displayed to confirm if you want to suspend/activate the scheduled delivery job.
A scheduled delivery status can be one of the following:
  ●  Active
  ●  Suspended
  ●  Completed
When you create a scheduled dashboard delivery, Status is Active by default.
Status filter (funnel icon)dropdown menuA dropdown menu that contains all possible statuses of a scheduled delivery. By default, the list is filtered by the Active status.
Use this dropdown to filter the list with a certain status.
The dropdown contains two buttons:
  ●  OK - to apply the filter
  ●  Reset - to clear any filtration applied
Next RuntextThe date, time, and time zone when a scheduled job will run.
Delete (trash icon)buttonSelect to delete the scheduled delivery.

Starting 2024.1.x, dashboards scheduled to be sent to MS Teams and Slack will be displayed in grey and next run time strikethrough if the integration is disabled from the CMC.


When you select the name of a scheduled dashboard delivery, it opens the Schedule dialog, where you can edit the scheduled job details.

Retry mechanism for scheduled dashboards emails

Starting 2024.7.x, Incorta has introduced a retry mechanism for scheduler queries sent via email when there's a sync block during lock acquisition or when the error The underlying data is being updated occurs.

  • Queries will be retried automatically every 30 seconds, with a maximum of 4 attempts.
  • This retry mechanism is configurable and enabled by default.
  • To disable this feature, add to the file and restart the service. Contact the Incorta Support team if this property needs any adjustments.

Load Plans list view

The Load Plans list view displays all load plans that you have created or have access to. You can view a load plan if you have view access rights to at least one schema in the plan. Available options vary according to your access rights to the schemas in the plan. You can organize schemas in a load plan into separate groups that the Loader Service handles sequentially in different load jobs. However, the Loader Service continues to handle schemas in a group concurrently in a single load job. You can sort the list by the load plan's name, owner, or next run

Data Purge

Starting 2024.7.x, a load plan can include a data purge job to delete the object's Parquet data that does not satisfy the data retention conditions or that matches exclusion sets for physical tables or MVs in the respective schema. If the schema includes objects with no data retention or exclusion set configurations, these objects are loaded from staging when the load plan runs.

For details about data retention and exclusion sets, refer to Table Editor → Advanced Settings.

Select AllcheckboxA header control to select all load plans.
NametextThe load plan unique name that you entered while creating it.
OwnertextThe display name of the user who created the load plan.
SchemaslinksThe names of the schemas in the load plan.
  ●  If more than two schemas exist in the load plan, the names are collapsed and the number of collapsed schemas appears instead. Select the name of the schema to navigate it, or select the number of collapsed items to view all schemas in the load plan.
  ●  If the load plan has multiple groups, it shows the number of schemas and groups. Select the expand button to view each group and the included schemas.
StatuslinkThe status of the load plan. The status can be one of the following:
  ●  Active
  ●  Suspended
  ●  Completed
  ●  Not Scheduled (load jobs for which you have not set a schedule yet)
When you create a scheduled a load plan, the status is Active by default.
Select the status link to change it. You can change the status from Active to Suspended and vice versa.
Status filter (funnel icon)dropdown listA dropdown list that contains all possible statuses of a load plan. By default, the list is filtered by the Active and Not Scheduled statuses.
Use it to filter the list according to the plan status. To clear the applied filters, select Reset.
Next RuntextThe date, time, and time zone of the next run of the load plan.
Execute Load Plan (play button icon)buttonSelect this option to manually start the execution of the respective load plan.
Available starting with 2024.1.x.
Show DAGlinkSelect this option to view the execution plan of the load plan visualized as a directed acyclic graph (DAG)
For more details, refer to Tools → Load Plan DAG Viewer.
More Options > Activatemenu itemAvailable in the case of a suspended load plan.
Activates the respective suspended load plan.
Only the system admin or the load plan owner can activate the load plan. However, the owner of a load plan can't suspend it if it includes one or more schemas that the owner no longer has edit access rights to.
More Options > Suspendmenu itemAvailable in the case of an active load plan.
Suspends the respective active load plan.
Only the system admin or the load plan owner can suspend the load plan. However, the owner of a load plan can't suspend it if it includes one or more schemas that the owner no longer has edit access rights to.
More Options > Exportmenu itemAvailable starting with 2024.1.x.
Exports the respective load plan to a .zip file.
More Options > Deletemenu itemDeletes the respective load plan.
Only the system admin or the load plan owner can delete the load plan. However, the owner of a load plan can't delete it if it includes one or more schemas that the owner no longer has edit access rights to. You can't delete a load plan that is being executed.

When you select the row of a load plan, it opens the Edit Load Plan dialog where you can edit the details and update the schedule.

You can edit a completed load plan and change its schedule so that it is active again. You can also suspend or activate a load plan when you edit it and activate or suspend multiple load plans at once.

Deleting a load plan deletes the related notifications.

Data Notifications list view

The Data Notifications list view displays all scheduled data alerts. With the Alert Editor, you can define a data alert. A data alert is a scheduled job that evaluates an alert condition. An alert condition is an Aggregated Table or a Listing Table insight that you create using the Analyzer. If the alert condition evaluates to True, the scheduled job for a data alert sends an email data notification to one or more users, one or more group of users, or one or more email addresses.

Select AllcheckboxA header control to select all scheduled data notifications.
NametextThe scheduled job unique name that you entered while creating the scheduled alert.
OwnertextThe username that created the scheduled data notifications.
TargetlinkSelect the dashboard name to navigate to the dashboard for which the scheduled alert is created.
StatuslinkThe status of the scheduled job. When you select it, a prompt is displayed to confirm if you want to change the status of the scheduled data notification.
A scheduled data notification status can be one of the following:

  ●  Active
  ●  Suspended
  ●  Completed
When you create a scheduled data notification, Status is Active by default.
Status filter (funnel icon)dropdown menuA dropdown menu that contains all possible statuses of a scheduled data notification. By default, the list is filtered by the Active status.
Select to filter the list with a certain status.
The dropdown contains two buttons:

  ●  OK - to apply the filter
  ●  Reset - to clear any filtration applied
Next RuntextThe date, time, and time zone when a scheduled data notification is to run next.
Delete (trash icon)buttonSelect to delete the scheduled data notification.
ExportbuttonSelect to export the selected data notification to a .zip file that you can use later on to import the scheduled data notification again.

When you select the name of a scheduled data notification, it opens the Alert Editor dialog, where you can edit the data alert details.

Notifications list view

The Notifications list view displays all email alerts that you created for load plans. The Notifications tab is available starting with 2024.1.x, replacing the Schema Notifications tab in previous releases. The Notifications list will show only notifications that you have created. However, the Super User and users with the SuperRole will have full access to all notifications.

Select AllcheckboxA header control to select all scheduled load plan notifications.
NametextThe scheduled notification unique name that you entered while creating the load plan notification.
OwnertextThe user who created the load plan notification.
Load PlantextThe name of the load plan for which you created the email notification.
SchemastextThe names of the schemas in the load plan.
  ●  If more than two schemas exist in the load plan, the names are collapsed and the number of collapsed schemas appears instead. Select the number of collapsed items to view all schemas in the load plan.
  ●  If the load plan has multiple groups, it shows the number of schemas and groups. Select the expand button to view each group and the included schemas.
Last ModifiedtextThe date and time when the load plan notification was last modified.
Edit (pen icon)buttonSelect to edit the load plan notification.
Delete (trash icon)buttonSelect to delete the load plan notification.
Note: Deleting a load plan deletes all its data load notifications as well.
Upgrading to 2024.1.x: Migrating schema notifications

Existing schema load notifications will be migrated to load plan notifications during the release upgrade process. Each schema load notification will be automatically assigned to all single-schema load plans for this schema. The migration process will not migrate schema notifications to load plans having multiple schemas. Additionally, schemas with no single-schema load plans will not have their notifications migrated.

  • The Last Modified Date of a migrated notification will reflect the migration date.
  • Migrating a notification will not change its owner.
  • Migrated notifications will follow the following naming convention: [notification name]_[load plan name].

Scheduler Actions

Using the Scheduler, you can perform the following actions:


Load Plans:

Data Notifications:

Load Plan Notifications:

General actions:


Edit scheduled Dashboards

To schedule a dashboard for delivery, use the Content Manager. For more information, refer to Schedule Delivery of the Dashboard.

You can edit a scheduled dashboard delivery job through the Scheduler using the following steps:

  • Select a scheduled Dashboard job.
  • Edit the details of the scheduled job.
  • Select Save changes.

Load Plans

You can activate and suspend multiple load plans. You can also activate and suspend a single plan using the plan's More Options menu that is available starting with this release.

Only the system admin or the load plan owner can edit, suspend, activate, and delete the load plan. However, the owner of a load plan can't perform these actions if the load plan includes one or more schemas that the owner no longer has edit access rights to. You can't edit or delete a load plan that is being executed; however, you can change its schedule, and suspend or activate it.

Create a load plan

You can create a load plan with one or more physical schema from the Schema Manager or the Schema Designer.

When you create a multi-schema load plan, you can add only schemas that you own or have edit access rights to.

The following are the steps and details of creating a load plan.

  • In the navigation bar, select Scheduler.
  • Go to the Load Plans tab.
  • From the Action bar, select + NewAdd Load Plan. The Add Load Plan dialog opens.
  • Enter a name for the load plan and optionally enter a description.
  • Specify the default load type for the schemas you will add to the load plan.
  • Under Select Schema, drag one or more schemas to the Selected Schemas list.
    • To select multiple schemas, use the Command or Ctrl key while selecting the schemas. You can add a schema only once in the load plan.
    • Optionally, change the load type for each schema.
    • To remove a schema from the list, select the remove button (x icon).
  • Optionally, select Set sequential loading groups to add a new group and drag schemas to it.
    • To add more groups, select New Group.
    • To remove all schemas from the group, select More Options (⋮ vertical ellipsis icon), and then select Clear All.
    • To move a schema from one group to another, drag the schema from a group to another.
    • To delete a group, select More Options (⋮ vertical ellipsis icon), and then select Delete.
    • To assign Loader services to execute a group, select More Options (⋮ vertical ellipsis icon), and then select Additional Settings. In the Additional Settings dialog, clear the Automatically checkbox, and then from the Assign loaders list, select the Loader services you want to assign to the respective group.
    • To configure the group load jobs to stop on first error, select More Options (⋮ vertical ellipsis icon), and then select Additional Settings. In the Additional Settings dialog, turn on the Stop on First Error toggle.
  • Select Save.
  • Under Scheduler, specify the scheduling options of the load plan, and then select Save.
    • To save the load plan without setting a schedule to run it, select Schedule later.
  • Select Close.
  • The default load type option is available starting with 2024.1.x. Whenever you add a new schema to the load plan, it inherits the default load type. If you change the default load type, it will not affect the schemas that you have already added.
  • The Additional Settings option is available starting 2024.7.x, allowing Schema Managers to assign Loader services to a specific load group and configure the group load jobs to stop on first error if the Tenant Configurations do not enforce this.
    • Schema distribution settings are deprecated starting 2024.7.x.
    • Schemas loaded manually will check the assigned loaders.
    • If the assigned Loader services are not available, the job will be automatically assigned to other available Loader services.
    • If the Stop Loading on First Error option is enabled in the Tenant Configurations, it will override the load group settings.
    • Stop on First Error does not apply to post-load calculations errors.
  • A new load type for purging data is available starting 2024.7.x.
  • The schema limit in a load plan group has been increased from 50 to 300 schemas starting 2024.7.x.

The following table shows the scheduling options of the load plan.

Recur Everyincrements and dropdown listSelect the recurrence of the job by selecting an interval of minutes, hours, days, weeks, or months.
This option isn’t available when you select the No Recurrence checkbox.
No RecurrencecheckboxSelect the checkbox to schedule the job for one time only. This option is unselected by default.
Attime and time zone selectionSelect the time and time zone to run the load plan job.
Select Now to immediately run the job.
BetweencheckboxSelect the checkbox to schedule the load plan job to run within a specific period. You have to define the start time, end time, and timezone.
Everyincrements and dropdown listSelect the recurrence of the load plan job by selecting an interval of minutes or hours.
This option is available only when you select the Between checkbox.
From / OncalendarSelect the date range of the load plan job.
The field name changes to On when you select the No Recurrence checkbox.
Does not endcheckboxSelect this checkbox to disable the end date of the load plan job.
It isn't available when you select the No Recurrence checkbox.

View a load plan

You can view a load plan if you have view access rights to at least one schema in the plan. Available options vary according to your access rights to schemas in the plan.

Here are the steps to view the details of a load plan:

  • On the Load Plans tab, select a load plan.
  • In the Edit Load Plan dialog, review the details of the selected load plan. The included schemas appear in the Load Plan section, and if a schedule is set to run the load plan, the Scheduler part shows a summary of this load schedule.
  • Select Close to exit the dialog.

Edit a load plan

Only the system admin or the load plan owner can edit the load plan. However, the owner of a load plan can't edit it if it includes one or more schemas that the owner no longer has edit access rights to. You can edit a completed load plan. You can't edit a load plan that is being executed; however, you can change its schedule, and suspend or activate it.

You can edit a load plan through the Scheduler using the following steps:

  • On the Load Plans tab, select a load plan. The Edit Load Plan dialog opens.
  • Edit the details of the load plan.
  • Select Save.
  • To edit the details of a load plan, such as the name or selected schemas, in the Edit Load Plan dialog, under Load Plan, select Change.
  • To edit the schedule of the load plan, in the Edit Load Plan dialog, under Scheduler, select Change.
  • To suspend the scheduler of a load plan, under Scheduler, turn the Suspend scheduler toggle on.
  • To activate the scheduler of a suspended load plan, under Scheduler, turn the Suspend scheduler toggle off.

You must save the changes to the load plan and scheduler separately before you close the Edit Load Plan dialog.

View the execution plan DAG of a load plan

You can view the execution plan of a load plan using the following steps:

  • On the Load Plans tab, for the load plan you want, select Show DAG.
  • In the Load Plan DAG Viewer, expand the nodes to show the included objects and processes.

For more details, refer to Tools → Load Plan DAG Viewer.

Manually start the execution of a load plan

You can manually start the execution of a load plan if you own or have Edit access to all schemas in the load plan, regardless of its schedule status: Active, Suspended, Completed, or Not Scheduled. You can't start the execution of a load plan that is already running. Manually executing a load plan does not impact the next scheduled run if exists.

To manually start the execution of a load plan:

  • On the Load Plans tab, for the load plan you want, select Execute Load Plan (play button icon).

You can stop the execution of a load plan from the Schema Manager > Load Jobs. You can also review the progress and status of a load plan execution on the Load Job Details Viewer.

Suspend a load plan

Here are the steps to suspend an active load plan.

  • On the Load Plans tab, do one of the following:
    • In the Scheduler column, select the Active status.
    • Hover over the active load plan, select More Options (⋮ vertical ellipsis icon), and then select Suspend.
    • Select the active load plan row, and then in the Search bar, select More Options (⋮ vertical ellipsis icon) > Suspend.
  • In the Confirm Changing Status dialog, select Ok to confirm changing the status of the job.

Suspend one or more load plans

Here are the steps to suspend one or more active load plans.

  • On the Load Plans tab, select the rows of the plans you want to suspend.
  • In the Search bar, select More Options (⋮ vertical ellipsis icon), and then select Suspend.
  • In the Confirm Changing Status dialog, select Ok to confirm changing the status of the job.

If you select load plans with different statuses, the system suspends only active plans that you can edit.

Activate a load plan

Here are the steps to activate a suspended load plan.

  • On the Load Plans tab, do one of the following:
    • In the Scheduler column, select the Suspended status.
    • Hover over the suspended load plan, select More Options (⋮ vertical ellipsis icon), and then select Activate.
    • Select the suspended load plan row, and then in the Search bar, select More Options (⋮ vertical ellipsis icon) > Activate.
  • In the Confirm Changing Status dialog, select Ok to confirm changing the status of the job.

Activate one or more load plans

Here are the steps to activate one or more suspended load plans.

  • On the Load Plans tab, select the rows of the plans you want to activate.
  • In the Search bar, select More Options (⋮ vertical ellipsis icon), and then select Activate.
  • In the Confirm Changing Status dialog, select Ok to confirm changing the status of the job.

If you select load plans with different statuses, the system activates only suspended plans that you can edit.

Export a load plan

Here are the steps to export a load plan a .zip file.

  • On the Load Plans tab, do one of the following:
    • Hover over the load plan you want, select More Options (⋮ vertical ellipsis icon), and then select Export.
    • Select the load plan row, and then in the Search bar, select More Options (⋮ vertical ellipsis icon) > Export.

Export one or more load plans

Here are the steps to export one or more load plans to a .zip file.

  • On the Load Plans tab, select the load plans you want to export.
  • In the Search bar, select More Options (⋮ vertical ellipsis icon) > Export.

Import one or more load plans

Here are the steps to import one or more load plans.

  • On the Action bar, select New, and then select Import Load Plan.
  • In the Import Load Plan dialog, select the Overwrite existing load plans if you want to replace existing load plans with the new ones if they share the same name.
  • Drag or browse to locate the .zip file that contains the load plans you want to import.

A dialog appears showing the status of the import operation.

Importing load plans fails in the following cases:

  • The imported load plan has one or more schemas that do not exist in the target tenant.
  • You do not have edit access rights to all schemas in the load plan.
  • The imported load plan shares the same name with an existing load plan while the Overwrite existing load plans option is not selected.

Delete a load plan

Only the system admin or the load plan owner can delete the load plan. However, the owner of a load plan can't delete it if it includes one or more schemas that the owner no longer has edit access rights to. You can't delete a load plan that is being executed. When you delete a load plan, its execution history will be maintained, and it continues to appear on the Schema Manager > Load Jobs page.

Impact of deleting physical schemas
  • When you delete a schema that exists in a single-schema load plan, the load plan will be automatically deleted along with its scheduled runs. However, the load plan history will remain in the Schema Manager > Load Jobs.
  • When you delete a schema that exists in a multi-schema load plan:
    • If the schema is part of a load group with other schemas, the schema will be removed from the group. However, load job history of this load plan will keep reference to this schema.
    • If the schema exists alone in a load group, the group will be removed from the load plan. However, load job history of this load plan will keep reference to this schema.

To delete a load plan, follow these steps.

  • On the Load Plans tab, do one of the following:
    • Hover over the load plan, select More Options (⋮ vertical ellipsis icon), and then select Delete.
    • Select the load plan row, and then in the Search bar, select More Options (⋮ vertical ellipsis icon) > Delete.
  • In the dialog, select Delete.

Delete one or more load plans

Here are the steps to delete one or more load plans.

  • On the Load Plans tab, select the rows of the plans you want to delete.
  • In the Search bar, select More Options (⋮ vertical ellipsis icon), and then select Delete.
  • In the dialog, select Delete. The system deletes only plans that you can delete and as applicable according to their statuses.

If the selection includes load plans that are being executed or that you don't have privilege to delete, they won't be deleted.

Data Notifications

A data notification is an email notification for a data alert. From the Scheduler, you can define and edit the properties of a data alert using the Alert Editor.

Create a data notification

From the Scheduler, you can create and edit the properties of a data alert using the Alert Editor. Here are the steps to open the Alert Editor from the Scheduler:

  • In the Navigation bar, select Scheduler.
  • In the Context bar, select the Data Notifications tab.
  • In the Action bar, select +NewCreate Notifications to open the Alert Editor.
  • Define the properties of the data alert with the Alert Editor.
A data notification example

Assuming you created a Dashboard named Sales Insight for the SALES schema, the following is an example to create a data notification (alert) for this dashboard.


You must have the email configuration set for your tenant in the CMC. Refer to the Configure Tenants guide for more information.

In this example, you will create an email alert for the Sales Insight dashboard to be sent daily to your email if the cost of the goods is less than 500.

  • Open the Scheduler and go to the Data Notifications tab.
  • Select + NewCreate Notifications.
    • The Alert Editor window opens.
  • Fill in the Name field to be: Sales Insight Alert.
  • (Optional) Add a description to this alert in the Description field.
  • Select the Type of the attachment to be HTML.
  • In the Target field, select the pen icon, and then navigate to the Sales Insight dashboard.
  • Select Tab1, and then select Add.
  • For the Condition field, select the pen icon to open the Analyzer:
    • In Data, select Add Data Set, expand the SALES schema, and then select the SALES table.
    • Drag and drop the Sales Date column to the Grouping Dimension tray.
    • Drag and drop the Cost column to the Measure tray, and change the format to Dollar.
    • Drag and drop Add Formula to the Individual Filter tray.
    • Add the following formula in the Formula Builder: SALES.SALES.COST_OF_GOODS < 500
    • Select Validate & Save.
    • Change the Column Label to be Cost less than 500.
    • Select Save.
  • Select the Start By field to be today’s date and the current time on your machine.
  • Select the Recurrence to be Daily, Every 1 day, and No End for example purposes.
  • In the Send To field, select +:
    • Add your email address.
    • Select Add.
  • Select Done.

Edit a data notification

You can edit a scheduled data notification (alert) through the Scheduler using the following steps:

  • Select a scheduled alert job.
    • The Alert Editor dialog opens.
  • Edit the details of the scheduled alert.
  • Select Done.

Export Data Notifications

The Scheduler enables you to export Data Notifications you created to be able to import them later on.

You can export Data Notifications by applying the following steps:

  • To export one scheduled job:

    • Hover on or select a scheduled data notification.

    • Select the Export button.

      The Scheduler downloads a .zip file to your machine.

  • To export multiple scheduled jobs:

    • Select multiple scheduled data notifications.

    • Select the Export button.

      The Scheduler downloads a .zip file to your machine.

Import Data Notifications

The Scheduler enables you to import .zip files that contain Data Notifications. You can import Data Notifications by performing the following steps:

  • From the Action bar, select + NewImport Data Notifications.
    • The Import Alerts window opens.
  • Select Overwrite existing alerts option if you want to delete any alerts that you created before and create new ones.
  • Browse to, or drag and drop, the .zip file that contains the notifications you want to import.


Load plan notifications are available starting with 2024.1.x.

  • You can add notifications for load plans that you own or have Edit access to.
  • The system admin can edit all notifications.
  • The notification owners can edit their notifications. If the owner no longer has Edit access to a load plan, the owner can't update the related notifications and can only delete them.

Create a load plan notification

You can create an email alert for a load plan that you own or have Edit access rights to. The alert that you create is triggered upon the success or failure of a load plan execution job.

You can also create email notifications for load jobs that take longer than expected, based on the load time of recent load jobs for the same load plan. This feature helps you detect delays in data refresh cycles as early as possible and act accordingly.

Perform the following steps to create a load plan notification:

  • Open the Scheduler.
  • Go to the Notifications tab.
  • From the Action bar, select + NewCreate Load Plan Notification. The Create Load Plan Notification dialog opens.
  • Fill in the following options in the dialog to create a load plan notification job.
  • Select Done to save the email notification.
Notification Nametext boxEnter the name of the load plan notification job you are creating.
Select a Load Plandrop down listSelect the load plan you want to send an alert for. Groups and schemas in the selected load plan are displayed.
Notify uponmulti-selectSelect when you want to send the notification email. There are 5 possible values:
  ●  Success
  ●  Failure (Default)
  ●  Finishing With Error
  ●  Interruption
  ●  Taking longer than expected
For notifications for jobs taking longer than expected, you can specify the percentage that triggers the notification job.
Recipientstext boxEnter the email, name, or group of recipients you want to send the email notification to.
Email Bodytext box(Optional) Enter the body of the notification email.
If you do not enter a body for the notification email, Incorta sends a body with auto-generated text that contains the sender name, the load plan name, its status, and URL.

Edit a load plan notification

You can edit a load plan notification (alert) through the Scheduler using the following steps:

  • Select a scheduled notification job. The Edit Load Plan Notification dialog opens.
  • Edit the details of the scheduled alert.
  • Select Done.

Search the list of load plan notifications

The Scheduler enables you to search the list of Notifications through the search bar available in the list view.

To search for a scheduled load plan notification:

  • Open the Scheduler, and go to the Notifications tab.
  • In the search bar, enter the load plan notification job name.
    • The search result is filtered according to the keyword you entered.

You can search the load plan notifications list by the notification job name only.

General Scheduler Actions

Suspend and activate scheduled jobs

When you suspend a scheduled job, the job will pause all future actions. You can resume the job's scheduled actions by returning the job to active. When you create a scheduled job, its status is Active by default. You can save a load plan without setting a schedule. Additionally, you can suspend or activate a load plan while editing it.

You can activate or suspend a scheduled job for the following:

  • Dashboards
  • Load Plans
  • Data Notifications

The following steps show how to suspend or activate a job:

  • In the Scheduler, identify the desired scheduled job.
  • In the status column, select the current status for the scheduled job (the status will be Active or Suspended).
    • Confirm Changing Status window will appear.
  • Select Ok to confirm changing the status of the job.

You can select Never Mind to cancel.

Locating Suspended Jobs

The Scheduler, by default, filters to display Active jobs only. See filter scheduled jobs to display the desired scheduled jobs based on status.


Deleting a bookmark automatically suspends the related scheduled jobs. Also, changing a bookmark from public to private suspends all related dashboard scheduled jobs that other users created. However, the scheduled jobs that the bookmark owner created will run as usual.

You can't activate a dashboard delivery job that has been suspended due to deleting a bookmark or changing it to private. You have to first edit the scheduled job to remove the bookmark or select a valid one.

Delete scheduled jobs

The Scheduler enables you to delete one or multiple scheduled jobs.

To delete one scheduled job:

  • Select or hover on a scheduled job.
  • Select the Delete button (bin icon).
    • The Delete this job? confirmation window appears.
  • Confirm deleting the job by selecting Delete.

To delete multiple scheduled jobs:

  • Select multiple scheduled jobs.
  • Select the Delete button (bin icon).
    • The Delete these jobs? confirmation window appears.
  • Confirm deleting the job by selecting Delete.

You can select Never Mind to cancel.

Filter scheduled jobs

You can filter the list of the scheduled jobs for the following according to their status:

  • Dashboards
  • Load Plans
  • Data Notifications

A scheduled job can have one of three statuses:

  • Active (default): Indicates that the job is active and will run according to schedule.
  • Suspended: Indicates that the job is on hold and won't run.
  • Completed: Indicates that the job was completed successfully and does have next runs.
  • Not Scheduled: Indicates that you have not set a schedule for the job. This status is available only for load plans.

By default, the list displays the jobs with Active status only. The Load Plans list shows both active and not scheduled jobs.

To filter the list of scheduled jobs, do the following:

  • Select the Status filter (funnel icon).
  • Select the status(es) you want to filter the list with.
  • Select OK.
    • The list will only display the jobs that have the status(es) you selected.

You can select Reset to clear any selection.