Tools → Analyzer


Embracing the design themes of consistency, clarity, and efficiency, the Analyzer showcases modern analytics engineering with a user experience that promises increased productivity and delight.

You can use the Analyzer for the following:

  • To create and edit an insight on a dashboard tab
  • To create and edit an Incorta Analyzer Table in a physical schema
  • To create and edit an Incorta Analyzer View in a business schema
  • To create and edit conditions when creating scheduled data notifications from the Scheduler

Anatomy of the Analyzer

The Analyzer now opens in full and there is no Navigation bar. You must select Save or Cancel to close the Analyzer. Here is a high level description of the Analyzers’s anatomy:

Action bar

In the Action, you can perform the following

  • Download (download icon)
  • SQL
  • Settings
  • Cancel
  • Save

When supported by the configured insight visualization, you can view the Reference SQL and/or download a file as .csv or .xlsx.

Data panel

To filter and find items in the Data panel, enter a search term in the Search text box or use the Column Type drop down menu to narrow your results. Column Types include:

  • String
  • Numerical
  • Date
  • Timestamp
  • Boolean
  • Key

For a given column in the tree, select the information icon to view the column details and preview sample data.

You can also manage the tree hierarchy. The More Options (⋮ vertical ellipsis icon) menu allows you to:

  • Collapse to Schema and Table Level
  • Sort by Name or Original Order

The Data Panel has the Dynamic Fields section for configured dynamic fields.


Starting 2024.7.x, when you search for columns within the Data panel, Incorta searches within both the column's name and label. The name and label also appear when displaying the column details. Additionally, you have the option to control what the Data panel displays: the column name or the label.


To select multiple columns in the Data panel, you must use the following keystrokes:

  • On Mac OS, use CMD
  • On Windows OS and Linux OS, use ALT

You must drag and drop multi-select columns to a tray or target box in another panel.

Manage Dataset panel

You can use the Manage Dataset panel to add selected schemas, business schemas, tables, views, or a result set to the Data panel.

The Manage Dataset panel contains the Views, Tables, and Result Set tabs that can be filtered using search.


Starting the 2022.4.0 Release, the Manage Dataset panel includes a new Result Set tab. You can create a result set using Listing and Aggregated tables only, and then use this result set to build your final insight. For more information, refer to Visualizations → Insights over Result Sets.

Insight panel

The Insight panel shows the selected visualization. The default selecting is Listing Table. Simply select the downward arrow (V) to change the visualization type.


Here is a list of visualizations in this release:



The visualization selection determines the available trays within the Insight panel. Rich Text is the only visualization without available trays.

From the Data panel, you can add one or more columns to a tray. When applicable, you can also add a formula to a tray. You can easily reorder columns and formulas in a tray by selecting the column or formula, and dragging it up or down the scrolled list to drop it in the desired location. All trays now have a Clear All command. A column or formula in a tray is a Pill. Each pill has configurable properties. The parent tray determines the available properties of a pill.


To change the name of the column or formula that is a Pill, you must double-click. In the text box, you can modify the name. In this release, there is no visible Name or Label property for a pill.

Here is a list of some of the trays available within the Insight panel:

  • Grouping Dimension
  • Coloring Dimension
  • Row (only for Pivot Table)
  • Column (only for Pivot Table)
  • Measure (available in all visualizations except Advanced Maps and Rich Text)
  • Layers (only for Advanced Map)
  • Color By (only for Advanced Map)
  • Size By (only for Advanced Map)
  • Sort By (only for Listing and Aggregated Tables where all pills are in the Measure tray)
  • Source (only for Sankey)
  • Target (only for Sankey)
  • Individual Filter (can view Filter Values)
  • Aggregate Filter (can view Filter Values)
  • Distinct Filter (only for Listing and Aggregated Tables where all pills are in the Measure tray)
  • Machine Learning (only for Line visualizations)

The Insight panel supports the Machine Learning tray for Line visualizations. To use the Machine learning features, perform the following steps:

  • Start the Cluster and Analytics service in the CMC.
  • Contact the Support team to enable One-click ML on the Cloud Admin portal.
  • Restart the Analytics service.

Properties panel

Using the Properties panel, you can easily view information for or modify the properties of a pill. Here are some examples:

  • easily apply and remove formatting, including conditional formatting
  • quickly select a drill down link using a tree view of dashboards and dashboards tabs
  • for a gauge, add a range of a specific color
  • copy and paste a bulk list of individual filter values
  • define a date part for a timestamp or date column
  • view the source column information by selection column details (information icon) next to the source column name

Depending on the tray, a pills may or may not have configurable properties. For example, the Distinct Filter does not offer a Properties panel. Some pills allow for direct configuration, such as a pill in the Sort By tray where you can directly set the sort direction.

Grouping Dimension

  • Date Part for timestamp and date columns
  • URL
  • Show Empty Groups
  • Sort By with Clear All
  • Dashboards Drill Down


Because properties are specific to the given visualization, not all properties are applicable.

  • Date Part for timestamp and date columns
  • Aggregation
  • Scale
  • Running Total
  • Filter (this is a measure filter)
  • Format
  • Conditional Formatting (available for Listing Table, Aggregated Table, Pivot Table, KPI, Bar, Column, Combo (starting 2024.7.x), and Tornado (starting 2024.7.x))
  • Abbreviate on Hover (available for most chart visualizations)
  • Color (available for most visualizations)
  • Plot Band (available for most Column, Bar, Area, and Line charts)
  • Minimum (only for gauges)
  • Maximum (only for gauges)
  • Gauge Ranges (only for gauges)
  • Dashboards Drill Down
  • Base Field (not available for Advanced Map)
  • Average Lines (available for most Column, Bar, Area, and Line charts)
  • Query Plan (read only)

Color By

Applicable only for an Advanced Map, Color By is a measure, so it has the properties of a measure, except for conditional formatting, with the addition of:

  • Color Palette

Size By

Applicable only for an Advanced Map, Size By is for a measure, so it has the properties of a measure, except for conditional formatting, with the addition of:

  • Radius


Applicable only for a Pivot Table, Row is for a dimension, and has the following properties:

  • Sort By
  • Dashboards Drill Down


Applicable only for a Pivot Table, Column is for a dimension, and has the following properties:

  • Sort By

Coloring Dimension

Applicable for most charts, Color Dimension is for a dimension, and has the following properties:

  • Sort By
  • Format Color Palette


Applicable only for Sankey, Source is for a dimension, and has the following properties:

  • Sort By
  • Dashboards Drill Down


Applicable only for Sankey, Target is for a dimension, and has the following properties:

  • Sort By
  • Dashboards Drill Down

Additional Panels for detailed properties

There are several additional panels for adding a supported feature to a visualization or for formatting a value conditionally. In these instances, an additional Properties panel opens in the Analyzer.

Add Plot Band

To add one or more bands to an applicable chart, in the Properties panel, select Add Plot band. The Add Plot Band panel contains the following properties:

  • Start
  • Stop
  • Label
  • Background (color selection)

Add Dashboard Tab panel

To specify a drill down to a tab in the same or another dashboard, in the Properties panel, select + Add Dashboard Tab. The Add Dashboard Tab panel contains the following properties:

  • Include Runtime Filters
  • Direct Drill Down (available starting 2024.7.x)
  • Search
  • Tree control to select a dashboard tab

Only one dashboard destination is eligible for Direct Drill Down. When you enable it for one dashboard destination, it is disabled automatically for the previously configured one.

Add Average Line

Certain charts support adding an Average Line. This line can be an Average Line, Linear Trend, Simple Moving Average, or an Exponential Moving Average. To specify one or more Average Lines, in the Properties panel, select Add Average Line. The Add Average Line panel contains the following properties:

  • Average Line Type
  • Line Style
  • Period (only for moving averages)

Conditional Formatting

This panel is available in releases before 2024.7.x. Hence, this content applies to these releases only.

For the Listing Table, Aggregated Table, Pivot Table, KPI, Bar, and Column visualizations, you can specify one or more conditional formats for a given measure based on the same or another measure. In the Properties panel, in Conditional Formatting, drag a column or formula to the Based On section to format the measure according to the value or aggregated value of the added column or formula or leave blank to apply conditional formats depending on the value or aggregated value of the measure itself. Select Add Condition to add a formatting condition.

The Based On panel contains the following properties:

  • Column Label
  • Aggregation (not applicable to Listing Table visualizations)
  • Formula (when basing the formatting on a formula)

Using a PostgreSQL (Incorta SQL) view column as the base of conditional formatting is not supported.

The Conditional Formatting panel contains the following properties:

  • Operator
  • Value
  • Background (not applicable to KPI visualizations)
  • Text Color

The Conditional Formatting feature is available for Bar and Column visualizations only when you add one measure pill and no coloring dimension pills.

The 2024.7.x has introduced major enhancements to conditional formatting, including an improved user experience, conditional formatting for multiple measures, and conditional formatting in Combo charts, Tornado charts, and Dashboard shapes. For details, refer to Guides → Analyze → Add a Conditional Format.

Add Gauge range

For the Gauge or Solid Gauge visualizations, you can specify one or more Gauge Ranges for a given measure. In the Properties panel, in Gauge Ranges, select Add Gauge Range. The Gauge Range contains the following properties:

  • Stop %
  • Background (color)

Filter panel

Using the Filter panel, you can create a filter expression for a pill. Here are some examples of the types of filter expressions that you can create for an insight:

  • create a filter expression for a measure pill
  • create a filter expression for individual filter
  • create a filter expression for an aggregate filter

Measure filter

You can define a filter expression for a measure with the Filter property of a measure pill. In the Filter panel, you can defined the filter expression.measure filter is Specify the filter operator, select values, edit bulk values, and add individual values in the Filter panel.

  • Date Part for timestamp and date columns
  • Operator
  • Values
  • Add

Individual Filter

Specify the filter operator, select values, edit bulk values, and add individual values in the Filter panel.

  • Date Part for timestamp and date columns
  • Operator
  • Values
  • Add
  • Disable Filter
  • If a pill does not have a defined filter, the pill will show a validation warning (red circle).
  • If you disable an individual filter and select Save, you will receive a message that the disabled filter will be deleted. You have the option to continue with the save action or cancel.

Aggregate Filter

Specify the aggregation type, the filter operator, and values. If needed, edit in bulk values, and add individual values in the Filter panel.

  • Date Part for timestamp and date columns
  • Aggregation
  • Operator
  • Values
  • Disable Filter
  • If a pill does not have a defined filter, the pill will show a validation warning (red circle).
  • If you disable an aggregate filter and select Save, you will receive a message that the disabled filter will be deleted. You have the option to continue with the save action or cancel.

Filter Values panel

For a given insight, you can now view all specified insight filters in the Filter Values panel. Insight filters are:

  • Individual Filter
  • Aggregate Filter
  • Distinct Filter

To open the Filter Values panel, select the View Filter Values icon for any of these trays. To close the panel, select X.

The Filter Value panel shows a summary of the filter properties. You can collapse and expand Individual Filter, Aggregate Filter, and Distinct Filter in this panel.

Individual Filter

For each pill, there is a summary of the column or formula, operator, preview of values, and count of values. Select the filter icon to disable or enable the individual filter. Select the summary to open the Individual Filter panel for the given pill.

Aggregate Filter

For each pill, the summary shows the aggregate filter expression. Select the filter icon to disable or enable the aggregate filter. Select the summary to open the Aggregate Filter panel for the given pill.

Distinct Filter

For each pill, the summary shows the distinct filter.

Visualization canvas

The visualization canvas shows a preview of the insight. You can configure an insight title and insight description for all visualizations other than Rich Text.

In this release, for Table visualizations, you can select and copy rows, columns, and or cells in the insight in the canvas. For the canvas, you can also select the full screen icon to collapse all open panels as well as the expand icon to open all closed panels.

Settings panel

This release combines the General setting properties with the Layout properties for the selected insight visualization. Additional settings are Advanced, Format, and Map Settings.


Here are the properties for General settings:

  • Page Size
  • Max Rows
  • Logarithmic
  • Percentage of Column
  • Auto Refresh
  • Merge Columns (Aggregated Table),
  • Collapsed (Aggregated Table)
  • Merge Rows (Aggregated Table, Pivot Table)
  • Row Grand Total (Pivot Table)
  • Row Subtotal (Pivot Table)
  • Column Grand Total (Pivot Table)
  • Column Total At (Pivot Table)
  • Hide Columns (PivotTable)
  • Subtotal (Listing Table, Aggregated Table)
  • Total (Listing Table, Aggregated Table)


Here are the properties for Layout settings:

  • Fix Columns
  • Headers
  • Transpose
  • Rotation
  • Legend
  • Data Labels
  • Values
  • Hide Zero Values
  • Connect Values
  • Fixed Placement
  • X-Axis Labels
  • X-Axis Title
  • Y-Axis Labels
  • Y-Axis Title
  • Y-Axis Min
  • Y-Axis Max


Format settings are only for KPI insight visualizations. Select a format to apply to all pills with the property Auto Format selected. In this manner, you can easily apply a format to all KPI measures. For an individual pill, you can override the Format property, if so desired.

Map Settings

Map Settings are only for Advanced Maps. Here are the properties for Map Settings:

  • Style
  • Data Labels
  • Legend


Here are the properties for Advanced settings:

  • Max Groups
  • Missing Value Text
  • Join Measures

Additional Considerations

Fiscal Calendar Support

For customers with fiscal calendars that have a fiscal offset in months, administrators can enable native fiscal calendar support. This feature simplifies the setup and consumption of fiscal calendars in Incorta and allows for the rollup of transactional data into fiscal calendars. For more information on the fiscal calendar system variables that can be enabled see Date system variables.