Visualizations → Advanced Map

About an Advanced Map Visualization

An Advanced Map visualization allows you to visualize information on geographical layers such as countries, states, counties, and so on through the use of Mapbox. Mapbox is an open source mapping platform for custom designed applications that solve problems with maps, data, and spatial analysis.


The Mapbox URLs must be whitelisted. Please contact the Incorta Support to add the Mapbox URLs, that you can find here, to the connect-src property in the file.

Configurable Properties of an Advanced Map Insight in the Analyzer

The available trays for an Advanced Map insight within the Insight panel are:

  • Layer: Contains the data (Geo Data) for a specified geographical entity (Geo Entity) that Mapbox visualizes.
  • Individual Filter: Add a column or formula to this tray to filter your Advanced Map.
  • Aggregate Filter: Add a column or formula to this tray as an aggregate filter.

About Layers

An Advance Map visualization can have one or more layers. Each layer has a unique name, configurable Layer Settings, and configurable Geo Data.

A dashboard user typically zooms (in and out) from one layer into another layer on an Advanced Map insight.

Layer Settings

Each layer has Layer Settings:

Data LabelstoggleEnable this property to view geo data labels
LegendtoggleEnable this property to view the map legend
VisibletoggleEnable this property to view the layer
Typedrop down listSelect the Type. The options are:
  • Area
  • Bubble - For this Type, define the Size By measure in the Geo Data
  • Heatmap
  • Marker - For this type select the Symbol Shape from the drop down list that appears directly below. The options are:
    • Pin
    • Square
    • Cross
    • Times
    • Circle
ClusteringSelect Bubble from Type to view this property. Enable this property to cluster data points to improve performance and presentation.
Zoom RangesliderUse the slider to narrow the initial zoom from 0% to 100%
OpacitysliderUse the slider to set opacity for the selected type from 0% to 100%

About Geo Data

Geo Data defines the data for the layer. It specifies the Geo Entity for the layer and the aggregation measurements for the entity. The aggregations related to the Geo Entity appear in the map visualization.

For example, the colors of a country represent the various population sizes where the Geo Entity is a country and the color by measure is city populations.

In Geo Data, Color By, Size By, and Tooltip contain the various aggregations. Color By is the only required measure. Bubble visualization types require a Size By measure. A Tooltip can contain multiple measures.

About a Geo Entity

A Geo Entity can be either a Geo Attribute or a Geospatial Point.

Geo Attribute

A Geo Attribute is a column that conforms to a Geo Role. Select the arrow to the right of the Geo Attribute to view the Properties panel and set the column properties.

Data → URLtext boxEnter the URL that should be opened in the browser when the user clicks on the Geo Attribute (begin with http:// or https://)
Data → Geo Roledrop down listSelect the role of the Geo Attribute. Mapbox identifies Geo Roles using its own repository. The options are:
  • Country
  • State
  • County
  • County Subdivision
  • City
  • Zip Code
  • Custom Shape
Drill Down → Dashboards Drill downlinkSelect + Add Dashboard Tab to select a dashboard tab to drill down to when the user clicks on the measure value in the table column
Add Dashboard Tab → Include Runtime FilterstoggleEnable this property to pass a filter from one dashboard to another
Add Dashboard Tab → Direct Drill DowntoggleEnable this property to directly drill down to the selected dashboard tab without the need to select from the list of drill down dashboard tabs. Only one dashboard destination is eligible for Direct Drill Down. When you enable it for one dashboard destination, it is disabled automatically for the previously configured one.
This option is available starting 2024.7.x.
Add Dashboard Tab → Search Dashboardtext boxEnter a search string to filter the dashboard tree. From the results, select a dashboard tab to drill down to.

Zip Code is a Geo Role that is applicable only for the United States.


The Geometry (Geo) column has a new geo icon to easily distinguish Geo columns that use custom shapes from string columns.

Geospatial (Lat/Long)

A Geospatial Point is a tuple of latitude and longitude. Geospatial has one column or formula for Latitude and another column or formula for Longitude. Select the arrow to the right of the Latitude or Longitude columns to view the Properties panel and set the column properties.

Data → URLtext boxEnter the URL that should be opened in the browser when the user clicks on the Latitude or Longitude (begin with http:// or https://)
Drill Down → Dashboards Drill downlinkSelect + Add Dashboard Tab to select a dashboard tab to drill down to when the user clicks on the latitude or longitude
Add Dashboard Tab → Include Runtime FilterstoggleEnable this property to pass a filter from one dashboard to another
Add Dashboard Tab → Direct Drill DowntoggleEnable this property to directly drill down to the selected dashboard tab without the need to select from the list of drill down dashboard tabs. Only one dashboard destination is eligible for Direct Drill Down. When you enable it for one dashboard destination, it is disabled automatically for the previously configured one.
This option is available starting 2024.7.x.
Add Dashboard Tab → Search Dashboardtext boxEnter a search string to filter the dashboard tree. From the results, select a dashboard tab to drill down to.
About Geo Data measures

Geo Data requires one measure for aggregation. For additional aggregations, create additional layers.

You can add only one column or formula that will serve as a measure for each of the following:

  • Color By
  • Size By
  • Tooltip
Color By

You can add only one column or formula as the Color By measure. Select the arrow to the right of the Color By column to view the Properties panel and set the column properties.

Size By

Size By is only applicable for a Geo Entity with a Layer Setting Type of Bubble. You can add only one column or formula as the Size By measure. Select the arrow to the right of the Size By column to view the Properties panel and set the column properties.


A Tooltip appears in the mouse hover state over the Geo Entity on the map. You can optionally measure Geo Data with one or more Tooltips. You can add one or more columns or formulas as a Tooltip. Select the arrow to the right of the Tooltip column to view the Properties panel and set the column properties.

Custom Label

A Custom Label tray is available for GEO DATA, which applies to Geo Attribute and Geospatial (Lat/Long) entities, in which the tray is only visible when the Data Label option is enabled in the Layer settings. The value of the column in the Custom Label tray overrides the default label shown for this layer on the Advanced Map insight.

Color By, Size By, Tooltip, and Custom Label Properties
Data → Aggregationdrop down listSelect the aggregation option from the following:
  • Count
  • Distinct
  • Min
  • Max
Data → Scaledrop down listSelect the chart scale. The options are:
  • None
  • Percent (%)
  • Thousands (K)
  • Millions (M)
The default is None.
Data → Running TotaltoggleEnable this property to display the source and target counts as a running total
Data → Filterdrag and dropDrag a column or formula to add a measure filter
Format → Number Formatdrop down listSelect the format of the measure (e.g. Dollar Rounded)
Format → Negative ValuesbuttonSelect the format you want to apply to negative values: -1234 or (1234).
This option is available starting 2024.7.x.
Format → Decimal Placestext boxThis property appears when you select Decimal, Dollar, Euro, Yen, or Percent as the Number Format. Enter the number of decimal places to display for the measure values.
Format → Thousands SeparatortoggleThis property appears for all Number Format options, except No Format. Enable this property to include a comma separator for values of 1000 or greater.
Format → PercentagetoggleEnable this property to display the measure values as percentages
Format → Prefixtext boxEnter a string (a currency symbol for example) to add at the beginning of the measure values. The string you enter cannot contain single quotes.
Format → Suffixtext boxEnter a string (a currency symbol for example) to add at the end of the measure values. The string you enter cannot contain single quotes.
Format → Palette (Color By only)drop down listSelect the color palette. The options are:
  • Lite
  • Purples
  • Red
  • Green
  • Yellow Blue
  • Ocean
  • Sandy
  • Sunset
Format → Radius (Size By only)sliderUse the slider to set the Bubble Radius from 0% to 100%
Advanced → Base Fielddrag and dropDrag the column to join two tables that are not directly joined. See the Base Table Concept for more detail.
Advanced → Query PlanbuttonSelect this property to reveal the direct data map path that the Incorta Analytics Service uses to retrieve or calculate the measure

Advanced Map Individual Filter Properties

Here are the Advanced Map properties for the columns in the Individual Filter tray:

Operatordrop down listSelect the operator to use in the filter criteria
Valuesmulti-selectSelect the value(s) to filter the chart data by. Enter a string in the search bar to filter the list of values. To add a value to the list, enter it in the text box below the list and select +.

Advanced Map Aggregate Filter Properties

Here are the Advanced Map properties for the columns in the Aggregate Filter tray:

Aggregationdrop down listSelect the aggregation type. Options are:
  • Count
  • Distinct
  • None
Operatordrop down listSelect the operator to use in the filter criteria
Valuesmulti-selectSelect the value(s) to filter the chart data by. Enter a string in the search bar to filter the list of values. To add a value to the list, enter it in the text box below the list and select +.

Advanced Map Insight Settings

Here are the Advanced Map properties for the Insight Settings that appear when you select Settings (gear icon) in the Action bar.

General → Max Rowstext boxEnter the maximum number of rows to include in the chart
Map Settings → Styledrop down listSelect the map style. The options are:
  • Auto
  • Light
  • Dark
  • Satellite
  • Outdoors
Layout → Data LabelstoggleEnable this property to display data labels
Map Settings → LegendtoggleEnable this property to display a legend
Advanced → Zoom and Center behaviordrop down listSelect the map zoom and center behavior. The options are:
  • Static
  • Dynamic
Inherit Runtime FilterstoggleEnable to have this insight’s result set filtered by the selected dashboard prompt filters. When disabled, the dashboard prompt filters will have no effect on the result set of this insight.

Create an Advanced Map Insight Visualization

For an existing dashboard, to create an Advanced Map visualization insight, follow these steps:

  • If not already open, open a dashboard.
  • To add a new insight to the dashboard, in the Action bar, select Edit (pen icon).
  • From the Insight panel, from Charts, drag Advanced Map to the canvas, and then hover over the new insight and select Edit (pen icon) to launch the Analyzer.
  • If needed, in the Analyzer, in the Data panel, select Manage Dataset.
  • In the Manage Data Sets panel, select one or more business schema views and/or one or more physical schema tables.
  • To close the Manage Data Sets panel, select X or any other area of the Analyzer.

Managing Layers

To modify the name of layer 1 in Insight panel, follow these steps:

  • To change the default layer 1 name, double click layer 1.
  • In the text box, enter a layer name, press Enter or select any other area of the Analyzer.

To add a new layer for an Advanced Map insight, follow these steps:

  • In the Insight panel, in Layer, select + Add Layer.

To change the layer order of an Advanced Map insight, follow these steps:

  • In the Insight panel, in Layer, select the specific layer that you want to reorder.
  • In Layer, to move the layer up, select Up (up arrow icon ↑).
  • To move the layer down, select Down (down arrow icon ↓).

To modify the Layer Settings, follow these steps:

  • In the Insight panel, for a given Layer, select > (right arrow).

  • In the Properties panel, in Layer Settings, modify the settings properties:

    • Data Labels
    • Legend
    • Visible
    • Type
    • Zoom Range
    • Opacity
  • To close the Properties panel, select X or any other area of the Analyzer.

Specify and Configure Geo Data

To specify a Geo Attribute and define the properties of the Geo Data for a given layer, follow these steps:

  • In the Insight panel, in Layer, select a layer.
  • In Geo Data, select Geo Attribute.
  • From the Data panel to the Insight panel, drag a column or formula column (Add Formula) to the Geo Attribute target box.
  • In the Properties panel, define the Geo Role.

To specify a Geospatial Point and define the properties of the Geo Data for a given layer, follow these steps:

  • In the Insight panel, in Layer, select a layer.
  • In Geo Data, select Lat/Long.
  • From the Data panel to the Insight panel, drag a column or formula column (Add Formula) to the Latitude target box.
  • From the Data panel to the Insight panel, drag a column or formula column (Add Formula) to the Longitude target box.

Here are the steps to specify the Color By measure:

  • For the given layer’s Geo Data Geo Attribute, from the Data panel to the Insight panel, drag a column or formula column (Add Formula) to the Color By target box.
  • In the Properties panel, define the measure properties.

Here are the steps to specify the Size By measure:

  • For the given layer’s Geo Data Geo Attribute, from the Data panel to the Insight panel, drag a column or formula column (Add Formula) to the Size By target box.
  • In the Properties panel, define the measure properties.

Here are the steps to specify the Tooltip measure:

  • For the given layer’s Geo Data Geo Attribute, from the Data panel to the Insight panel, drag a column or formula column (Add Formula) to the Tooltip target box.
  • In the Properties panel, define the measure properties.

Advanced Map Insight Example 1

Create an Advanced Map insight that shows the population of prominent cities in Germany.

You can download population data for prominent cities in Germany from SimpleMaps. With this data, create an external data source and German city population schema.

Add an insight

  • In the Action bar, select Edit (pen icon).
  • From the Insight panel, from Charts, drag Advanced Map to the canvas, and then hover over the new insight and select Edit (pen icon) to launch the Analyzer.
  • In the Data panel, select Manage Dataset.
  • In the Manage Data Sets panel, in Tables, select the German city population schema.
  • Close the Manage Data Sets panel.
  • Select layer 1:
    • Open the layer 1 Properties panel:
      • Set Zoom Range to 0-14%.
      • Set Opacity to 70%.
    • Rename layer 1 to Country.
    • Select Geo Attribute, and drag Country to the Geo Attribute target box.
    • Open the Country Properties panel, and select Country for Geo Role.
    • Drag Population to the Color By target box.
    • Drag Population to the Tooltip target box.
  • Select + Add Layer.
  • Select layer 2:
    • Open the layer 2 Properties panel:
      • Set Zoom Range to 7-30%.
      • Set Opacity to 100%.
    • Rename layer 2 to City.
    • Select Geo Attribute, and drag City to the Geo Attribute target box.
    • Open the City Properties panel, and select County for Geo Role.
    • Drag Population to the Color By target box.
    • Open the Color By properties, and select Purples for Palette.
    • Drag Population to the Tooltip target box.
  • Name the insight Population of Prominent German Cities.
  • Select Save.

Advanced Map Insight Example 2

In this example, you will create an Advanced Map insight using a physical schema built on a Keyhole Markup Language (KML) file to represent geographical custom shapes.


The KML data file has been uploaded as a data source, then added and loaded into a Schema named KML. For information on creating a data source and a schema, refer to the Guides→Start document.

Add an insight

  • In the Navigation bar, select the Content tab, and then select + New → Add Dashboard.
  • In the Add Dashboard dialog, for Name, enter Product Dashboard, and then select Add.
  • In the Action bar, select Edit (pen icon) (add icon), or select + Add Insight.
  • From the Insight panel, from Charts, drag Advanced Map to the canvas, and then hover over the new insight and select Edit (pen icon) to launch the Analyzer.
  • In the Data panel, select Manage Dataset.
  • In the Manage Data Sets panel, in Tables, select the KML schema. Close the panel.
  • From the Data panel, drag the Geometry column to the Geo Attribute tray
    • In the Properties panel, for Geo Role, select Custom Shape.
  • From the Data panel, drag a column to the Color By tray.
  • Name the insight Geographical Representation.
  • Select Save.

Available User Interactions for an Advanced Map Insight on a Dashboard Tab

As a Dashboard Consumer, there are several actions you can take to customize the Advanced Map insight to fit your specific needs.

For maps with more than one layer, select a colored area on the map to navigate to the next layer.

Zoom In and Out of the Advanced Map Insight

Select + in the upper left corner of the map to zoom in to the map, and - to zoom out.

Rotate the Map

Select the circular arrow below the zoom buttons to rotate the map.