Component SDK

The Incorta Component Software Development Kit, or Component SDK, enables Incorta customers and partners to develop custom visual and non-visual components that plug-in to the Incorta Analyzer and Dashboards.

In the following section, we will walk you through how to use the Component SDK and introduce to you the main settings and definitions you will need:

Component SDK Access Rights

Starting the Incorta Cloud 2022.6.0 release, the Component SDK will be enabled by default. For earlier versions, you must contact Incorta Support to enable the Component SDK for you.

Only users that belong to a group with the SuperRole or Advanced Analyzer User roles can use the Component SDK, upload, and install components from the marketplace to a tenant.

Users who belong to groups with AnalyzeUser or Individual Analyzer roles will be able to use the installed components to build interactive and dynamic insights.