References → Sort Recipe

The sort tool is essential for sorting data results based on one or more columns, enabling users to organize data in a specific order, ascending or descending. This sorting capability is crucial for data analysis, reporting, and ensuring the information is presented meaningfully and comprehensibly.


Recipe NameA freeform name of how a user would like to name a recipe
InputSelect a previously constructed recipe to process
Sorting OrderAscending -
  ●   Numeric - Low to high
  ●   String - A to Z, then a to z
  ●   Date - Oldest to most recent Descending -
  ●   Numeric - Low to high
  ●   String - z to a, then Z to A
  ●   Date - Most recent to oldest
ColumnsSelect which columns to sort. Multiple columns can be selected.

The order columns selected reflect the order in which the columns are sorted. In 2024.4, it’s a known issue that the front end does not reflect the column selection order, but the backend will be sorted correctly.