Release Notes 6.0.1

Release Highlights

Incorta is adding Oracle as one of its supported metadata databases. You can also install patches across one or multiple nodes using the Cluster Management Console (CMC).

Upgrade considerations

  • A new validation is now applied to the lookup function that prevents saving an expression where the result lookup field and primary key field N parameters are not from the same object. As a result, existing expressions with a lookup function must be updated accordingly; otherwise, these expressions will return #ERROR as a value.

  • SQL Interface properties and Spark Integration properties must be valid before the upgrade to ensure that the SQL Interface will function properly.

What’s new?

Oracle metadata database support

Starting this release, Incorta now supports Oracle as a metadata database. Currently, Incorta supports Oracle database versions 12c and 19c. For more information, refer to Installation Requirements.

Patch installation using CMC

Incorta has made improvements in their latest release to make patch installation easier for CMC administrators. They have introduced a new patch installation method that uses the Cluster Management Console (CMC) to automate the process. If there are multiple nodes in an Incorta deployment, all services across all nodes will be stopped and the patch will be installed across all nodes.

If the CMC admin creates a new node after installing a patch or several patches, the CMC will prompt you to sync all nodes. The newly created node will only function if synced with all nodes.

You can only upload and install one patch (.zip file) at a time. While uploading a patch, the CMC runs the following validations to make sure you are uploading a patch that will be installed:

  • The patch name is unique and has not been installed before.
  • The patch is compatible with the installed Incorta version.
  • Any prerequisite patches already exist.
  • The Incorta-supplied patch descriptor is valid.

Note that you can roll back a patch you have most recently installed.

For more information, refer to Tools → CMC Patch Manager.

Pause scheduled jobs based on tenant’s threshold

Now, you can configure your tenant to alert you when you reach a certain diskspace threshold percentage before suspending all load jobs when reaching the maximum threshold.

You can configure a warning and maximum threshold using the CMC, using the following steps:

  1. Log in to the CMC.
  2. Navigate to Clusters > <cluster_name> > Cluster Configurations > Default Tenant Configurations.
  3. Select Alerts.
  4. Enable the Load job disk space alerts option.
  5. Configure the Warning Threshold and Maximum Threshold, knowing that the default values in percentage are 80 and 90, respectively.

If your tenant reaches the Warning Threshold configured percentage, Incorta displays a warning message for all users in both analytics and CMC, without pausing any scheduled or load jobs.

If your tenant reaches the Maximum Threshold configured percentage, Incorta displays an alert message for all users and pauses all load jobs. No user will be able to load any schema and the scheduler will not be able to run any jobs, until the system administrator frees up the diskspace.

For more tenant configurations, refer to Guides → Configure Tenants.

Engine Concurrent Service Thread Throttling

A dashboard’s filtering can slow or be unable to render due to all Engine threads being used concurrently for another dashboard. With this resolution, workers will be throttled or increased based on the number of waiting jobs. Contact Incorta Support to edit the file that exists in the Analytics Service directory and enable this feature.

Enhancements and fixed issues


Incorta has upgraded the Apache Tomcat version to 9.0.78.Security

Fixed issues

Fixed IssuesArea
Compatibility issue between Excel Add-in and Microsoft Office 365.Integrations