Public API v1 → Schema Status Endpoint

About the /schema/{schemaName}/status endpoint

The /schema/{schemaName}/status endpoint returns the details of a specific physical or business schema. The details include the available objects (tables or views), number of column per object, creation and modification time, and schema owner. In addition, it returns the status of the recent model update and load jobs and the data size in the case of physical schemas.

For information about how to get started with Public API v1, refer to References → Public API v1.


Use the HTTPS or HTTP scheme according to your installation. You must use the HTTPS scheme to successfully run the API endpoints on Cloud installations.

Request URL


HTTP method


Request URL parameters

schemaNameStringThe name of the physical or business schema you want to check its statusYesThe physical or business schema name (case-sensitive)"Schema1"

Request URL examples


Request headers

"Authorization": "Bearer {access_token}"

You must use a valid access token of a user who has access rights to the physical or business schema you want to check its status.

For information about how to create an access token, refer to Public API v1 → Create Token Endpoint.

Request headers example

"Authorization": "Bearer ABC123456789"

Endpoint response

The following table shows the HTTP response status codes for this endpoint.

CodeDescriptionPayload Response
200The endpoint returned the schema status successfully.The status and details of the physical or business schema in the request.
{schemaName: "string" schemaDescription: "string" schemaType: "string" ownerName: "string" creationDate: "string($date-time)" lastModifierName: "string" lastModificationDate: "string($date-time" physicalSchemaDetails:{} tables: [...] }}
For more information, see Response parameters and Response examples.
400Bad request{"message": "string"}
401Unauthorized{"message": "string"}
{"message": "INC_09030101: Invalid access token or access token may have expired."}
403Forbidden{"message": "string"}
{"message": "INC_02010000: You are not authorized to VIEW the HR_BS SCHEMADEFINITION of ID [46,846]."}
404Resource Not Found{"message": "string"}
{"message": "INC_05022803: The [HR_BS1] SCHEMADEFINITION cannot be found."}
500Internal Server Error{"message": "string"}
{"message": "INC_05000301: Runtime exception occurred [null]."}

Response parameters

The following are the parameters in the /schema/{schemaName}/status endpoint response when the endpoint returns the schema status and details successfully (code 200).

"schemaName": "string",
"schemaDescription": "string",
"schemaType": "string",
"ownerName": "string",
"creationDate": "timestamp",
"lastModifierName": "string",
"lastModificationDate": "timestamp",
"physicalSchemaDetails": {
"dataSizeInMemoryInMegaBytes": 0,
"dataSizeOnDiskInMegaBytes": 0,
"elapsedLoadTimeInMilliseconds": 0,
"lastLoadStatus": {
"jobStatus": "string",
"stateType": "string"
"modelUpdateStatus": {
"jobStatus": "string",
"stateType": "string"
"lastLoadTime": "timestamp",
"lastLoadType": "string",
"nextLoadTime": "timestamp",
"nextLoadType": "string"
"tables": [
"tableName": "string",
"numberOfColumns": 0,
"physicalTableDetails": {
"numberOfRows": 0,
"dataSizeInMemoryInMegaBytes": 0,
"dataSizeOnDiskInMegaBytes": 0,
"requiredLoadAction": "string"

The following table describes these response parameters.

schemaNameThe schema nameString
schemaDescriptionThe schema descriptionString
schemaTypeThe schema typeString
ownerNameThe name of the schema ownerString
creationDateThe schema creation date and timeTimestamp (converted to long)
lastModifierNameThe name of the user who last modified the schemaString
lastModificationDateThe schema modification date and timeTimestamp (converted to long)
physicalSchemaDetailsAttributes related to physical schemas only and not available when checking the status of a business schema.
See Physical Schema Details parameters.
tablesThe details of each table or view in the physical or business schema in the request
tables > tableNameThe name of the table or viewString
tables > numberOfColumnsThe number of columns in the table or viewLong
tables > physicalTableDetailsParameters related to physical schema objects only and not available when checking the status of a business schema.
See Physical Table Details parameters.

Physical Schema Details parameters

The following table describes the additional parameters in the code-200 response of the /schema/{schemaName}/status endpoint when checking the status of a physical schema.

dataSizeInMemoryInMegaBytesThe total size of the physical schema data in memory (MBs)Double
dataSizeOnDiskInMegaBytesThe total size of the physical schema data on disk including snapshot DDM files and staging parquet files (MBs)Double
elapsedLoadTimeInMillisecondsTime elapsed during the last load jobLong
lastLoadStatusThe state and status of the scheme’s latest (last or current) load job.
See Job statuses and states.
lastLoadStatus > jobStatusThe status of the respective load state
The value varies depending on the state type.
lastLoadStatus > stateTypeThe state of the load job when executing the endpointString
  ●  Compaction State
  ●  Load State
  ●  Terminator State
  ●  N/A State
modelUpdateStatusThe state and status of the scheme’s latest (last or current) model update job
See Job statuses and states.
modelUpdateStatus > jobStatusThe status of the respective model update state
The value varies depending on the state type.
modelUpdateStatus > stateTypeThe state of the model update job when executing the endpointString
  ●  Sync State
  ●  Terminator State
  ●  Update State
  ●  N/A State
lastLoadTimeThe starting time of the latest load jobTimestamp (converted to long)
lastLoadTypeThe load type of the latest load jobString
  ●  FULL
nextLoadTimeThe time of the next scheduled load jobTimestamp (converted to long)
nextLoadTypeThe load type of the next scheduled load jobString
  ●  FULL

Physical Table Details parameters

The following table describes the Physical Table Details parameters. These parameters are available only when checking the status of a physical schema. In addition, most of these parameters apply to all physical schema objects and are not limited to physical schema tables only.

numberOfRowsThe number of rows loaded into the engine memoryLong
dataSizeInMemoryInMegaBytesThe total size of the table data in the engine memory (MBs)Double
dataSizeOnDiskInMegaBytesThe total size of the table data on disk including snapshot DDM files and staging parquet files (MBs)Double
requiredLoadActionThe required load type. Applicable to physical schema tables and materialized views only.
For more details, refer to Changes that require data load.
  ●  NONE

Job statuses and states

The following table describes the different state types and corresponding statuses that the endpoint returns when checking the status of a physical schema.

State TypeDescriptionStatuses
Compaction StateShows the stages of a running compaction job.
  ●  NA
Load StateShows the stages of a running load job
  ●  NA
Sync StateShows the status of the synchronization process in the model update or load job
  ●  SYNC
  ●  NA
Terminator StateShows the status of the last job. The endpoint returns this state when there is no running job.
  ●  NA
The INTERRUPTED and ABORTED statuses apply only to the jobStatus object in the lastLoadStatus property.
Update StateShows the stages of a running model update job
  ●  SYNC
  ●  NA
N/A StateReturned when there is no previous or current job for the physical schema (load, compaction, model update, or synchronization)
  ●  NA

Response examples

The following are two examples of the endpoint response.

Physical schema example

"schemaName": "HR",
"schemaDescription": "",
"schemaType": "PHYSICAL",
"ownerName": "Super User",
"creationDate": 1664700099000,
"lastModifierName": "Super User",
"lastModificationDate": 1664831153000,
"physicalSchemaDetails": {
"dataSizeInMemoryInMegaBytes": 0.0625,
"dataSizeOnDiskInMegaBytes": 0.009608268737792969,
"elapsedLoadTimeInMilliseconds": 0,
"lastLoadStatus": {
"stateType": "Load State",
"jobStatus": "RUNNING"
"modelUpdateStatus": {
"stateType": "Terminator State",
"jobStatus": "Success"
"lastLoadTime": 1664831153000,
"lastLoadType": "FULL",
"nextLoadTime": 0,
"nextLoadType": "NA"
"tables": [
"tableName": "HR.DEPARTMENTS",
"numberOfColumns": 5,
"physicalTableDetails": {
"numberOfRows": 11,
"dataSizeInMemoryInMegaBytes": 0,
"dataSizeOnDiskInMegaBytes": 0.0012922286987304688,
"requiredLoadAction": "NONE"
"tableName": "HR.EMPLOYEES",
"numberOfColumns": 14,
"physicalTableDetails": {
"numberOfRows": 107,
"dataSizeInMemoryInMegaBytes": 0.015625,
"dataSizeOnDiskInMegaBytes": 0.00791168212890625,
"requiredLoadAction": "LOAD_FROM_STAGING"

Business schema example

"schemaName": "HR_BS",
"schemaDescription": "",
"schemaType": "BUSINESS",
"ownerName": "Super User",
"creationDate": 1664700099000,
"lastModifierName": "Super User",
"lastModificationDate": 1664700099000,
"tables": [
"tableName": "HR_BS.Dept_BS",
"numberOfColumns": 5
"tableName": "HR_BS.Employee_BS",
"numberOfColumns": 9