Public API v1 → Refresh Token Endpoint

About the /tokens/refresh endpoint

Once your access token expires you will need to use the /tokens/refresh endpoint to request new tokens. The /tokens/refresh endpoint is accessed with a POST request. When you request tokens from the /tokens/refresh endpoint, the prior access token and refresh token will be invalidated. If both the access token and refresh token have expired before your next /tokens/refresh request, you will need to request tokens from the /tokens endpoint.

For information about how to get started with Public API v1, refer to References → Public API v1.

For information about how to create an access token, refer to Public API v1 → Create Token Endpoint.


Use the HTTPS or HTTP scheme according to your installation. You must use the HTTPS scheme to successfully run the API endpoints on Cloud installations.


Access tokens have a ten minute expiration and refresh tokens have a thirty minute expiration.

Request URL

Following is the URL to call the /tokens/refresh endpoint.


Request body

Following is a JSON template of a /tokens/refresh endpoint request:

"accessToken": "string",
"refreshToken": "string"

accessToken: String value of the access token provided in /tokens endpoint.

refreshToken: String value of the refresh token provided in the /tokens endpoint.

Endpoint response

The /tokens/refresh endpoint has three possible response codes and payloads.

CodeDescriptionPayload Response
201CreatedSee Token refresh: 201 Response
401Unauthorized{"message": "string"}
500Internal Server Error{"message": "string"}

Endpoint 201 response

"accessToken": "string",
"refreshToken": "string",
"type": "string",
"accessTokenExpiresAt": number,
"refreshTokenExpiresAt": number

The expire values are in unix epoch time in milliseconds.